Business owner: Centre for Learning & Teaching
What is Wattle
Web Access To Teaching & Learning Environments also known as WATTLE, consists of Moodle as the main underpinning platform. Wattle is augmented with other online learning facilities such as Turnitin (text-matching system), EchoVideo (formerly Echo360, lecture recording system) and Voice Tools (audio recording tools).
Wattle can be used to facilitate learning and provide resources to your students online. Some of the uses include:
- providing lecture notes and online resources to students
- giving students access to lecture recordings via Echo360
- communication tools such as discussion forums, messaging, web conferencing and chat sessions
- the ability to provide information about assessments, including Turnitin and online quizzes.
All Wattle users need to comply with ANU policies including the Acceptable Use of Information Infrastructure.
Wattle Support for staff
Workshops and Self-paced training
Wattle design assistance
Support Details
ANU College of Art and Social Sciences
Education Development Studio
612 57444
ANU College of Asia & The Pacific
Digital Education Services
ANU College of Business and Economics
Education Technology
ANU College of Systems and Society
Educational Services
612 54901
ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy
College Education Services
ANU Colleges of Science
Peter Baume Building (Building 42)
ANU School of Medicine and Psychology (SMP)
Technology Enhanced Learning Team
Should your Local College Support indicate that you need to log a ticket with Wattle Support, our support teams will be best able to assist you if you provide as much information as possible about the issue you face. Generally this includes:
- your name and university ID
- your course code and course name
- a detailed description of the issue or request
- the date time of the issue, and
- the teaching space (if applicable)
You can login into Wattle using your university ID and password and seek assistance in one of the following ways
Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 17:00
- Contact the ANU Wattle Support team via IT Service Desk
- Phone (02) 612 54321, Option 2, Option 3.
Wattle User Manual
To access the Wattle User Guide Content, you can access the Digital Wattle User Manual
User guides
- Wattle 4.1 Key Differences (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Wattle Administrative Request Form (PDF, 64.99 KB)
- Wattle Proposal Document Template (DOC, 119 KB)
- Wattle External Tool Integration Template (DOC, 165 KB)
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
Related links
Support contact
- Wattle Support
- 6125 4321
- Send email