
Information to support wellbeing at the ANU.


Health and Wellbeing Share Point Site

Everything you ever wanted to know about well-being at ANU!


Flu Vaccinations 

ON and OFF CAMPUS FLU VACCINATIONSThe University is committed to supporting our…

Staff Relief Fund 

The Staff Relief Fund is available to support the members of our community who…
EAP -image

Employee Assistance Program 

ANU offers a choice of counselling and advisory services for our staff members…

End violence 

Being a victim of violence can be traumatic and disturbing. It has an impact on…


Mindfulness refers to paying attention to the present moment with openness and…
Smoke free

Smoke-free campus 

ANU is smoke-free The ANU has a Smoke-Free Policy that prohibits the use of…

Staff wellbeing 

ANU recognises the importance of a holistic approach to wellbeing across all…