Other L&T training

What? Advancing Learning and Teaching (ALT) is for academics, course convenors and program leaders looking to holistically invigorate and improve…
The ANU Educational Fellowship Scheme (EFS) provides educators (including support staff) with internationally-accredited professional recognition of…
Conferences in higher educationTertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)https://www.teqsaconference.org.au/Higher Education Research…
What is Leading Learning and Teaching (LLT)? The LLT program supports experienced academics and senior professional staff in leading and/or…
The University has moved to the new version of Echo360 for the start of the 2018 teaching year. Echo360 Active Learning Platform (ALP) will continue…
Learn how to use ePortfolio at your own pace and fully online ePortfolio at ANU is now available to students and staff and integrates with Wattle to…
Learn how to use Turnitin at your own pace, fully online, with this new course. Turnitin is required for most assignments at ANU, and now it's…
Need help with Wattle? Join this self-paced course and learn what you need, when you need it. If you would like to learn to use Wattle but cannot…
NECTAR mentoring program
Mentoring enhances the ability of early career academics to succeed in realising their vision and…