Print, copy, scan

New printing experience

UPDATE: you can now use the PaperCut system across all libraries. If you are wanting to print using the new system, please read the instructions

A new Follow-Me printing system called PaperCut is coming. You’ll be able to print, copy or scan from any Multi-Function Printers on campus using your ANU ID card.  

From early February 2025, you’ll see PaperCut gradually rolled out in libraries and residences, followed by the rest of the University. Please check the schedule to see when your printers will be updated. Until then, you can continue printing as usual. 

There’s also a new and easier way to top up your credit, ask for refund, and report issue with a printer.

Jump to instructions. 

Student print account

Student print account

Learn more about your printing quota, costs, refunds and using the new PaperCut Web Portal.


Staff and VAHA printing

Staff and VAHA (Visiting and Honorary Accounts) printing is free.

Follow the instructions below on how to access the Print-At-ANU queue and how to use the Follow-Me printing.



Install the print queue on your device

ANU-managed devices: the Print-At-ANU queue is available on the Company Portal (Windows devices) or the Self-Service app (Mac devices). 

Follow the instructions depending on the operating system of your device:

Personal (unmanaged) devices: download a print client to access the ‘Print-At-ANU’ queue. You will only need to complete this setup once and you will need to be on campus, connected to the network (for example through Wi-Fi).

Follow the instructions depending on the operating system of your device:

Mobile phones, tablets, and Chromebooks: use the PaperCut Portal to print. 

Print a document

Before you print, make sure you can access the ‘Print-At-ANU’ queue. Follow the steps outlined in the 'Set up your print queue' section above.

For instructions on how to print, please read this Knowledge Article or watch this videoPrinting from USB is not permitted due to security reasons. Your documents will be retained in the print queue for 16 hours. If you haven’t released them, they will be automatically deleted. 

Guests or visitors, please use the PaperCut Portal to print.

Make a copy

For instructions on how to copy, please read this Knowledge Article or watch this video.

Scan a document

You can scan either to your ANU email or OneDrive. Scanning to other people's email (or OneDrive) is not permitted due to security reasons.

For instructions on how to scan, please read this Knowledge Article or watch this video. For scanning multiple page documents, read this Knowledge Article or watch this video.

Forgot your ANU ID card?

You can still print, copy or scan using the PaperCut ID number. Log into the Papercut Portal using your UID credentials. In the left hand-side navigation of the Portal, select ‘Change Details’ and then ‘Generate Number’. At the printers type this number in the ‘ID’ filed.

For detailed instructions on how to setup the ID number, please read this Knowledge Article.

Don’t enter your UID number at the printers.

Print Services

Need large format printing?

University Printing Service produces quality print products for ANU staff and students at competitive prices. For more information and quotes, visit University Printing Service page.