22. Salary

22.1.  Salaries (including overtime and special loadings, if any) will be paid fortnightly  

22.2.  Notwithstanding the above, the University may offer deferred salary arrangements in accordance with University policy.

22.3.  The salary increases listed in the following table apply to all University staff covered by this Agreement:

Date of effect (the first full pay period on or after) Increase
3 February 2023 (administrative increase)3.5%
21 December 2023 2.5%
4 July 2024 2.5%
19 December 2024 2.5%
3 July 2025 2.5%
18 December 2025 2.5%
18 June 2026 2.5%

22.4. Revised salary rates are set out in Schedules 1, 2, 3 and clause 11 as follows:

Schedule 1 Academic staff

Schedule 2 Casual sessional academic staff

S2.14 of Schedule 2 Clinical skills tutors

S3.1 of Schedule 3 Professional staff

S3.3 of Schedule 3 Staff at University House and staff employed in the hospitality stream

S3.4 of Schedule 3 Casual staff employed as simulated patients

Clause 11 Graduate recruitment development program

22.5. In relation to a staff member’s final payment on termination of employment, the University will provide the final payment in the available pay period, notwithstanding the payment of severance in accordance with clauses 12.12, 56.6 and 56.7.

Academic Level A appointments

22.6. A research only Level A staff member will be paid a salary not less than Level A2.

22.7.  A staff member at Level A will be paid a salary not less than the Level A3 rate where they are required to carry out full subject coordination duties as part of normal duties.

22.8.  A staff member at Level A will be paid a salary not less than the Level A4 rate where, upon appointment holds, or during appointment is awarded, a relevant doctoral qualification.

22.9.  All staff members employed at Level A who hold a relevant doctoral qualification and undertake academic research with a level of independence commensurate with that of an ARC/NHMRC postdoctoral fellow will be paid a salary loading which will take their salary to that equivalent to someone appointed at Level B1. They will continue to receive their Level A salary plus the salary loading until they are promoted to Level B, at which time they will receive a salary of B1 but no loading. Such staff members are eligible to apply for promotion.

22.10.  Research staff employed without any expectation of undertaking academic research with a level of independence commensurate with that of an ARC/NHMRC postdoctoral fellow will be paid according to the professional staff research stream regardless of whether or not they hold a doctoral qualification.

Salaries – casual professional staff

22.11.  A casual professional staff member will be employed by the hour and paid an hourly rate, being the hourly rate derived from the annual salary applicable to the appropriate ANU Officer Level plus 25% casual loading as per Clause 14.9 (Casual employment loading).

22.12.  A staff member with prior experience and/or enhanced skills and knowledge may be appointed at any salary step within the relevant level.

Salaries – casual sessional academic staff

22.13.  A casual sessional academic staff member will be paid at the rates set out in Schedule 2(Casual sessional academic activities and rates), which includes the casual loading referred to in clause 14.9.

22.14.  A casual sessional academic staff member will be paid within 22 days of submitting a valid and completed claim for payment to the appropriate Departmental representative of the University.

Salaries – apprentices and trainee technical officers

22.15.  Apprentices and trainee technical officers employed in accordance with clause 13.3 (Employment schemes) will be paid a rate in accordance with the following table:


Apprentice (% of base rate of ANUO3)

Adult apprentice (% of base rate of ANUO3)Trainee technical officer (% of base rate of ANUO4)Adult trainee technical officer (% of base rate of ANUO4)
First six months





Second six months

65 subject to University satisfaction with performance

89 subject to University satisfaction with performance



2nd year





3rd year





4th year





22.16.  Apprentice and trainee technical officer definitions:

  1. An apprentice or trainee technical officer is a person who has immediately left school and will be paid at the non-adult base rate specified in the above table.
  2. An adult apprentice or trainee technical officer who is 21 years of age or over will be paid the adult rate specified in the table above.
  3. School means secondary education that may be facilitated through CIT, TAFE or an equivalent institution where a student qualifies for a leaving certificate.

22.17.  The University will appoint an apprentice or trainee technical officer in accordance with the appropriate corresponding year, subject to the following:

  1. the University recognises that apprentices or trainee technical officers may have accelerated advancement with respect to the completion of their accreditation by the appropriate authority.
  2. the parties agree that the commencement salary for an apprentice or trainee technical officer should reflect their skill level and recognised prior learning. This needs to be supported by objective assessment provided by an appropriate training authority. Where the training authority confirms that an apprentice or trainee technical officer has skill levels appropriate to a higher entry point, the University will engage an apprentice or trainee technical officer at that point. In most cases, this will be either the second six months of the first year or starting salary at the second year.
  3. an apprentice or trainee technical officer may approach the University to be evaluated for appointment to an advanced year if they claim to have advanced training and experience for their current or proposed year of appointment. The University will then arrange an evaluation by an appropriate training authority to determine at what year the apprentice or trainee technical officer should be appointed.
  4. with respect to the above, CITC or another recognised training authority will be used for the skills and competency assessment for the appointment of an apprentice or a trainee technical officer consistent with their years of training and experience.

Salaries – trainees

22.18.  Trainees employed in accordance with clause 13.3 (Employment schemes) will be paid a rate in accordance with the following table:


Salary (% of an ANU Officer Level 3 base salary)

Years out of School

Highest year of schooling completed


Year 10 or 11

Year 12













5 or more



22.19.  Years out of school are determined on 1 January and include any period of schooling, which does not result in a completed year of schooling.

22.20.  With respect to the above, a trainee who subsequently completes year 12 after commencing their traineeship shall not be paid less than the rate applicable had they not completed year 12.

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