About the DMP

Our mission

Informed by extensive consultation with ANU students and staff, the ANU Digital Master Plan (DMP) is a 10-year vision to transform the way our University does business through:​
  • New ways of working and operating – thinking and acting as a united University community
  • Reimagined, optimised and streamlined processes​
  • Flexible, accessible and user-friendly systems and support services​
  • A culture of data-driven insights and decision-making.

Our approach and principles

To successfully deliver the ANU Digital Master Plan, we will need to change how we do business – or how we work and think. Our approach is divided into three phases, each setting the foundation for the next:
Phase 1: Stabilise and preparePhase 2: TransformPhase 3: Accelerate
The phased implementation approach allows us to renew and stabilise the University's digital technology foundations, while also plan and build our transformation capabilities. Our principles are:
  1. The business must own and lead the change
  2. We must act on a whole-of-University view. We are stronger together
  3. Data must be treated as a strategic asset
  4. People will be at the centre of all we do
  5. Connectedness of our people, process, technology and data will be critical to our success
  6. We will adopt new ways of working to deliver value faster.

We have also established the ANU Enterprise Architecture Guiding Principles to ensure that any proposed digital solution has clear alignment to the technology architecture of the University. Key principles include:

  • Putting our community at the centre
  • Actively managing data
  • Ensuring the security and privacy of information
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Simplification and automation.

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