Implementation stage

Once the change management proposal has been approved and the planning and consultation phase concluded, the next step is to commence implementing the changes.

The project plan and communications plan that have been developed in the planning stage of the process will direct the process. Progress should be tracked against key milestones in the plan.

Change management can be a challenging, complex and often lengthy process. Sometimes the direction may change as the plan for change evolves over time and therefore the process may take longer than initially anticipated.

The key steps to the implementation stage are outlined in the Change Management Framework.

Communication & consultation

People will react differently to change and at a different pace; for some the change will be welcome and for others it can be a concern; it is important that their reactions (be they positive or negative) are recognised and addressed appropriately. Ongoing communication and consultation is therefore an important aspect of implementing any change process. Consider how employee productivity and motivation will be sustained through the period of uncertainty.

Moving to implementation

Although change is an ongoing and evolving process, it is important to ensure that there is a mechanism to signal the change.

Suggestions for closure include:

  • an article in an ANU newsletter
  • an update on the intranet
  • thanking staff for their input and participation
  • team morning tea.

When implementation is complete you should prepare a final summary report to close off implementation. At a minimum, a formal notice of implementation will be sent to all staff involved which will trigger any other actions such as; a change in title, staffing, committee reviewing position descriptions and classifications or declaring positions surplus to requirement.


This section provides templates, tools and guidelines which may be used when implementing change

Advice and support

To find out more about the advice and support available for employees who are experiencing workplace change at ANU, visit the main organisational change page

Roles and responsibilities (refer to roles & responsibilities)

  • As with the planing stage, it is important to allocate clear responsibility to task; the fact sheet on the right lists key roles and responsibilities in a change process.  
  • The need for skills development or other support may become evident in this stage as people assume new roles for example.

ANU resources

ANU has a number of resources available for those employees who are required to manage and implement change as well as for those who are experiencing change. Some examples are listed below together with resources from other sources

Programs offered through the Centre for Career Development

For managers/people implementing change

For employees affected by/experiencing change

Finding Yourself in Change

Please see the career development programs calendar for details. This program can be run specifically for the team / department subject to availability of facilitators.

Managing Yourself and Influencing Others
Online learning through ANU Pulse - a range of courses are offered. 
Coaching for Managers
Resources for team building

Other ANU resources

For managers/people implementing change

For employees affected by/experiencing change

  • Assistance for managers is available for a range of issues including when managing difficult situations with staff
  • There are internal and external resources available. Our 
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  •  provider offers a confidential Manager Assist resource.  

The Centre for Continuing Education offers a range of programs, including:

  • conflict resolution
  • resilience at work
  • feedback skills.

The Centre for Continuing Education offers a range of programs, including:

  • Speaking up
  • resilience at work
  • fearless living.
  • Health & wellbeing: ANU recognises the importance of physical, emotional, social,financial & environmental wellbeing in the workplace
  • A variety of programs and activities are provided throughout the year aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of staff. Current initiatives my be viewed on the Wellbeing webpage

Further reading

Change management models

There are numerous models and theories on change management; some of the more well known are listed below.

  • Kurt Lewin (1951) - Three-phase model of change (unfreeze, move or change, refreeze)
  • John Kotter (1998) - 8 steps model
  • McKinsey's 7-S model
  • Prosci's ADKAR model 1998 (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement)
  • Elizabeth Kubler's Ross 1973 - Focuses on the cultural and people aspects of change

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