Organisational change

Change management is not always straightforward or formulaic but it does require a planned and structured approach. The Australian National University Change Management Framework provides a guide to the key principles of implementing workplace change initiatives at ANU; it aims to serve as a practical and user-friendly guide incorporating links to additional resources for self-education.

Change has a number of dimensions and workplace change can take many forms. It can be small or large scale or and anything in between!! In all cases it is likely to involve adopting new mindsets, processes, policies, practices and behaviours.

ANU change management framework

The Australian National University Change Management Framework aims to be a practical resource to assist ANU employees to effectively manage and participate in workplace change whilst meeting the commitments contained in the Enterprise Agreement and related policies. There is no 'one size fits all' solution for change management but any initiative must comply with ANU policies and procedures and any prevailing legislative framework.

Stages of change management

The stages of change management are grouped into four main areas according to the logical stages of the change process. It provides resources to facilitate smooth change processes for larger or more significant types of organisational change affecting staff.

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