Android ANU Secure connection guide

Describe the steps to connect ANU Secure or Secure 2 WiFi connection. Option 1 is the newest. Option 2 and Option 3 are for reference.


Option 1:

  1. Open the Settings App
  2. Turn on Wi-Fi and select Wi-Fi
  3. Select the ANU-Secure SSID
    1. EAP method: PEAP
    2. Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
    3. CA certificate: Set to Use system certificates
    4. Domain (if applicable):
  4. Enter your login information:
  • Username: University ID (eg. 'u1234567')
  • Anonymous identity: Leave Blank
  • Password: ANU password


Option 2:

  1. Security: WPA2-Enterprise
  2. Encryption: AES
  3. EAP Method: Leave Blank or  EAP-TTLS
  4. Inner Method: Leave blank or EAP-GTC
  5. Identity: Uni-ID (without
  6. Anon Identity: Uni-ID (without
  7. CA Certificate: leave blank or auto-detect
  8. User Certificate: none


Option 3: 

  1. Open the Settings App
  2. Turn on Wi-Fi and select Wi-Fi
  3. Select the ANU-Secure SSID
    1. EAP method: EAP-TTLS
    2. Phase 2 authentication: Leave Blank (If avaliable)
    3. CA certificate: Set to Do not Validate 
    4. Domain (if selecting "Use system certificates"): Leave Blank
  4. Enter your login information:
  • Username: University ID (eg. 'u1234567')
    • Anonymous identity: Leave Blank
  • Password: ANU password


Connect Verify connectivity. You should now see Connected under ANU-Secure. Tap ANU-Secure to bring a dialog box with connection status. Try browsing to an off-campus website to verify your connection is working


Note: Windows devices will default to use MSCHAPv2 if “PEAP” is selected under (EAP Method). Please make sure EAP method is either left blank or EAP-TTLS.