Domain names outside the domain
The University allows for the use of domain names outside the domain, subject to the following criteria:
- The domain name must be registered with a domain registrar within the open 2LD at the 3rd Level which satisfies the auDA 2LD criteria ([hostname], [hostname] or [hostname]
- Any hosts supporting services that are provided by members of the University community, but that are outside their official functions or outside the business of the University, must use domain names outside the domain. However, these domain names must still be within the University's allocated IP address ranges.
- The proposed name is not likely to be confused with the name of a University Budget Unit.
- The proposed name signifies an organisation or venture, commercial or non-commercial, that is not explicitly part of the University; or,
- Is for a project with external funding which is obligated to show this identification for Internet access; or
- Is used by many people from many different organisations outside the University.
The University approves the use of the University's ABN for the registration.
Individual members of the University community are not allocated University IP addresses for the purposes of registering domain names in the "" open domain (or in attempting to register in any other open 2LD).
Further registration in overseas domains, in particular, the ".com" domain, are allowed where the naming is for commercially strategic use or for international recognition.
All domain names requiring registration by auDA (.au Domain Administration) are to satisfy both auDA naming rules and the Use of the University Name and Insignia Policy.
All host names and aliases are to conform to the auDA's naming rules for unacceptable names and are not to contravene trademarks or copyrights.
CNAME (Canonical Name) records for virtual domain naming of virtual hosts or the customised naming of URL's on University or Budget Unit main servers, must have alias names aligned to the naming hierarchy of the main server's domain name.
In some instances, the University may determine a need to register domains, including those in the ".com" top-level domain-2LD-in order to protect the ANU brand to prevent "cybersquatting".
The University allows the sub-delegation of DNS services to Budget Units where workstation management at the 5LD requires local name servicing.
Non-ANU Entities, which are allocated University IP Addresses, must register separate domain names outside the domain.
Please note: The Director, ITS reserves the right to deregister or refuse to register any name that is considered inappropriate or unsuitable.
To view the complete policy on Internet domain naming and IP addressing, please go to the ANU policieswebsite.
Page Owner: Information Technology Services