Staff wellbeing

ANU recognises the importance of a holistic approach to wellbeing across all aspects of our lives including the workplace. As part of the ANU 2025 Strategic Plan we have a focus on ensuring a healthy and inclusive work environment. Maintaining your health and wellness, and supporting the health and wellness of those around you, is an important part of our daily life at ANU. Taking the time to care for our health allows us to continue to engage and perform well in the activities that are important to us, that give us meaning and enjoyment. Enjoy our latest wellness bulletin (See Reference Documents) and email the Injury Management Team to subscribe, or for more information.

Use the links below to find out more on each of these four areas of wellness:

Psychological wellness

Psychological wellness is being able to participate fully in your daily activities including work, study, rest and leisure, as well as being able to find pleasure and joy in your daily life without being overwhelmed or inhibited by difficult thoughts or feelings. Just as maintaining physical fitness requires training, practice and care, so does building and maintaining mental ’fitness’. 

Care for your mental health and promote your mental fitness by: 
Finding a daily or weekly routine that works for youInformation Sheet - Mental Health Self Care
Cultivating mindfulness in your dayANU mindfulness
Being deliberate about finding joy and practicing gratitude

Head to Health: Purposeful Activity

Healthline: effects of joy;  

Harvard Health: the happiness-health connection

Learning how to manage feelings of sadness or worry

ANU Mental Health Resources 


Knowing when and how to seek help for yourself or other people 

Employee Assistance Program

Maintaining your financial wellbeingAustralian Government - MoneySmart


Physical wellness

Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a level of activity and quality of life that allows us to participate in our daily routines and tasks without undue fatigue, discomfort or physical stress. It includes taking care of our bodies and recognising that our daily habits and behaviours have a significant impact on overall health and quality of life. 

Care for your physical wellness by: 
Moving and changing your posture frequently throughout the dayTry out the Work Rave Break Timer for PC or Mac
Participating in regular exercise sessions across the week

ANU Sports


Eating regularly and enjoying foods that nourish your body and mind

Dieticians Association of Australia: Smart Eating for You

Healthy Recipes from Make Healthy Normal (NSW Gov)

Heart Foundation

See your treating healthcare provider for regular, routine check-ups

ANU Medical Centre 

Investing the time in proper rest and relaxation and supporting good quality sleepHealthy Sleep Information Sheet
Making sure that your computer workstation or other task stations are set up to support a relaxed, comfortable postureOccupational Strains Liaison Officer Network
Learning about our Smoke Free Campus
Smoke Free Campus


Social wellness

Whether we see ourselves as an extroverted or an introverted person, humans are essentially social creatures. While the places and the way in which we like to connect and the time we spend each day connecting may vary significantly from person to person, engaging in our shared spaces and community activities remains an important part of our overall health. 

You can support your social wellness by: 
Learning about the breadth of our ANU community and supporting an inclusive and welcoming workplace

Become an ANU Ally,

Respect and Inclusion at ANU,

Respectful Relationships at ANU

Supporting equitable access for people with disabilityDisability Access and Inclusion Working Group
Connecting with work, friends and familyAustralian Indigenous Health Infonet: social and emotional wellness
Learning about how to manage conflictEmail
Participating in your communityANU Events


Cultural wellness

The inherent culture of a group or organisation has a strong impact on the health and wellbeing of its members. Individual cultural practices and beliefs as well as the culture of the organisation are important things to keep in deliberate focus for the health and wellbeing of all. 

Support your own and the organisations cultural health by: 
Supporting respectful relationships in all aspects of University LifeANU Respectful Relationships Unit
Focussing on your connection to self, others and the environment around you

ANU Events

ANU Nature Trails

Engaging with spiritual or religious practices and communities


ANU Chaplaincy service

Head to Health. Spirituality

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander - Country, Culture and Spirituality

Spiritual Care Australia

Finding and maintaining purpose and meaning in your daily life. 



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