45. Flexible work arrangements

45.1. Flexible working arrangements promote opportunities for a better work life balance. The University will provide staff with opportunities to access flexible working arrangements.

45.2. The University will give priority to requests made for the reasons outlined in the National Employment Standards of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).

    Requesting flexible work arrangements

    45.3. A staff member with more than six months’ continuous service may make a written request for a flexible work arrangement to their supervisor.   A staff member with less than six months’ continuous service may make a written request where the flexible arrangements were discussed during the staff member’s recruitment process, or where there are exceptional circumstances.

    45.4. A flexible work arrangement may include:

      1. Flexible working hours for professional staff, including flexitime and non-prescribed flexible working hours;
      2. Changes to the start and/or finish time of work;
      3. Part-time work;
      4. Remote working arrangements;
      5. Job sharing; and
      6. Leave without pay.

      45.5. A full-time professional staff member may apply to work remotely for up to two days per week, or more in exceptional circumstances. A part-time staff member’s entitlement to work remotely will be calculated on a pro rata basis.

      45.6. A staff member’s written request for a flexible work arrangement must include the details of the arrangement proposed, the duration of time for which the arrangement is requested and the reason for the request.

      45.7. The supervisor will genuinely consider a request for a flexible work arrangement.  Before responding to the request, the supervisor should discuss the details of the request with the staff member and try to reach agreement. Human Resources staff may provide support if requested by either the staff member or the supervisor.

      45.8. With reference to clause 45.3, the supervisor will accommodate any reasonable request by the staff member to work remotely on a regular basis.

      45.9. The supervisor will respond to a request for flexible working arrangements in writing within 21 days and advise whether the request has been approved or declined.

      45.10. A supervisor will not unreasonably decline a request for flexible working arrangements, but may decline on the following reasonable business grounds:

        1. the requested working arrangements would be too costly for the University;
        2. there is no capacity to change the working arrangements of other staff members to accommodate the requested working arrangements;
        3. the requested working arrangements would be likely to result in significant loss of efficiency or productivity; or
        4. the requested working arrangements would likely have a significant negative impact on services and/or operational requirements of the role, and cannot be reasonably accommodated by other arrangements.

        45.11. If the request is refused, the supervisor's written response to the request must include details of the reasons for the refusal, including why the request was unable to be accommodated, and, if applicable, the reasonable business ground(s) for the refusal and how they apply to the staff member.

        45.12. Remote working arrangements will be reviewed every six months or at the request of a staff member or supervisor and amended if required.

        45.13. The University may only change or cease a flexible work arrangement on reasonable business grounds, as outlined in clause 45.10, by providing the staff member with one month notice in writing (or in exceptional circumstances, where a lesser period may be provided), the reasonable business ground(s) and how they apply to the staff member.


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