Corporate Governance & Risk Office
The Corporate Governance and Risk Office (CGRO) is responsible for coordinating the governance and assurance functions of the University, principally through advice and support to the Council, Council Committees, and Academic Board and its committees. CGRO manages the governance frameworks of ANU which cover legislation, policy and delegations of authority. CGRO is responsible for implementing the University's Entity-wide Risk Management Framework and managing the University's internal and external audit programs.
Our Contacts
Name | Contact details |
Council and Corporate Governance | |
Academic and Quality Assurance Committee | |
Academic Board | |
Academic Board and Committees | |
ANU Council elections | |
ANU Foundation Board | |
Audit and Risk Management Committee | |
Campus Planning Committee | |
Delegations | |
Disclosure of Interest | |
Executive Grant Acquittals | |
Finance Committee | |
Honorary Committee | |
Learning and Teaching Committee | |
Policy Manager | |
Public Interest Disclosure | |
Risk Office | |
Student Safety and Wellbeing Committee | |
University Research Committee |
Name | Contact details |
Mr Phillip Tweedie University Secretary, Director Governance and Risk | |
Ms Karen Hardiman Senior Governance Officer, Secretary - Campus Planning Committee, Secretary – Student Safety and Wellbeing Committee , Secretary – ANU Foundation Board | |
Ms Tomoko Hashizume Senior Governance Officer, Secretary - Finance Committee | 02 6125 3763 |
Ms Leslie McDonald Manager Corporate Governance and Policy, Delegations Framework Administrator | +61 2 6125 2113 |
Ms Monica McGrath Senior Administrator, Executive Assistant to the Director | +61 2 6125 0395 |
Ms Emma Murrell Senior Governance Officer, Secretary – Academic Board | |
Ms Charlotte Newland Senior Governance Officer, Secretary - Audit & Risk Management Committee, Secretary - University Research Committee | |
Ms Mariane Quintao Senior Governance Officer, Policy Manager | |
Ms Sharon Sidhu Manager, Audit and Risk | +61 2 6125 8365 |
Ms Emma Watt Senior Governance Officer, Secretary - Academic Quality Assurance Committee |
Information for staff
Reference Documents
- Council Agenda Item Template (DOCX, 23.38 KB)
- ANU Governance Handbook (PDF, 1.62 MB)
- Committee and Secretariat Guidelines (PDF, 648.57 KB)
- Policy Training Workshop: Case Study (DOCX, 67.38 KB)
- Commonwealth Ombudsman - Statements of Expectation and Commitment (PDF, 264.65 KB)
- Academic Staff Election to Council 2024 (PDF, 297.82 KB)
- 2025 Council and Committee Meeting Dates (PDF, 62.62 KB)
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
Related links
- Chancellor
- Council
- Committees
- Academic Board
- Legislation
- Policy Library
- Policy Governance Framework
- Delegations of Authority Framework
- Disclosure of Interest Framework
- Public Interest Disclosure
- Voluntary Code of Best Practice for the Governance of Australian Universities
- Association of Australian University Secretaries
- University Chancellors Council
- Committee and Secretariat Guidelines
- Training: ANU Governance Essentials
- Training: Policy Training Workshop
- Training: Unearthing Policies and Delegations
- Training: Being a Committee Secretary
- Training: Manage Risk Workshop
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