Policy training workshops program

Provider business unit: Corporate Governance & Risk Office

The Australian National University is committed to ensuring that its policy documents:

  • provide staff and students with high quality policy documents that can be easily accessed, readily understood and easily applied;
  • achieve an improved rate of compliance with legislation and other mandated requirements;
  • enable the University to achieve enhanced efficiency in its operations;
  • are developed using appropriate quality assurance and monitoring processes, and are reviewed and updated appropriately on a rolling systematised cycle; and
  • reflect governance and policy development best practice in higher education and the broader Australian public sector.

The Policy training workshops program has been designed to provide staff who work in the development, review and application of policy with a comprehensive coverage of best practice in the various aspects of the policy governance lifecycle.

The program consists of two workshops:

Participants may enroll in all workshops or just a selected few.

Policy training workshops program - Series 3, 2024

WorkshopInstructorDateVenueHORUS Code
Introduction to policy governanceMariane QuintaoWednesday 16 October 2024RC Mills Room, Chancelry - ANU Building 10, Lvl 4CGRO02
Effective policy development and review & consultationMariane QuintaoWednesday 23 October 2024RC Mills Room, Chancelry - ANU Building 10, Lvl 4CGRO03