HDR Supervision Development Team

The Higher Degree Research (HDR) Supervision Team is responsible for implementing and supporting the ANU HDR Supervision Development Framework.

To do this, we work closely with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research), the Graduate Research Office (GRO), the Higher Degree Research Committee and College and School-level HDR academics and administrative staff. Our role complements that of the Researcher Development Team for HDR candidates.

The HDR Supervision Development Framework comprises core components of supervisor professional development, supervisor registration, supervisor recognition, and reporting.

Click on the links below for more information about:

Our teams & contacts


NameContact details
HDR Supervision Development Team 
 +61 2 6125 1503


NameContact details
Professor Peter Kanowski 
Deputy Dean (HDR Supervision)
 +61 2 6125 5334
Dr Cally Guerin 
Researcher Developer