Identity Manager

Business owner: Information Technology Services


SCAM WARNING: The ANU will never send you a direct link to change your password. ITS are aware that various external perpetrators are attempting to use this issue and other opportunistic events (such as Tax time) to their advantage.  Please continue to be vigilant and ensure that you are within an ANU secure page or system prior to entering your password details.  


Identity Manager is an online service where you can change your account information or reset your password to a secure password or passphrase.

Your identity password is your main password for accessing UDS, Horus, ISIS, and Email. Please note, other applications are also connected to this password and may need reconnecting after any changes are made to the identity password.

Identity Manager also lets you set answers to various authentication questions that you will be required to answer when you login to Identity Manager if you have forgotten your password or passphrase.

Logging in

Every 180 days you will be required to reset your password. Two reminders will be sent to you one at 15 days and the other at 3 days prior to you password expiring. If you do not reset your password before its due you will not be able to log into a computer until you reset your identity password.

  1. Navigate to


  1. Enter your login information
    • User ID: Your University ID (e.g. u1234567)
    • Password: Identity password

Your new passwords must contain a minimum of 10-characters with at least three different character sets (i.e. numbers, letters, capitalisation and symbols).  Passwords will then need to be changed every six months on an ongoing basis. As a general tip, think about using a phrase or a sentence, not just a word to formulate your new password, as this is always more secure than singular words that may be able to be guessed.

These changes are being made to enhance the protection of the University and are in line with best practice industry standards.


Note: The first time you login to ANU Identity you will be asked to change your password and set your challenge questions - this is mandatory and access to the system will not be granted until this is completed. You must answer all five challenge questions, and the answers to your challenge questions must be longer than three characters.