How to reset your Identity password

Your Identity password is the main password for accessing the ANU network, Horus, ISIS, email and many other applications. It can be easily reset online by following the guide below.

To ensure a new password syncs correctly with your ANU managed Windows or Mac device, please have the device powered on and connected to Global Protect prior to resetting your password and for at least 20 minutes afterwards.

If you know your current password

If prompted at any point, please set up your challenge questions. These will be used to verify your identity if you ever forget your password.

  1. Navigate to and sign in with your University ID (e.g. u1234567) and current password
  2. Click on “My Information
  3. Under the “Change Password” heading, please enter your old password, followed by the new password twice. 
  4. Click “Apply” to save the new password.

If you have forgotten your current password

If you have not set up any challenge questions or have forgotten the correct answers, you will not be able to reset your password online. Please contact the ANU Service Desk for further assistance.

  1. Navigate to and click “Forgot Password
  2. Enter your University ID (e.g. u1234567) and click “Next
  3. Answer at least 3 of the challenge questions correctly, and click “Next
  4. Enter your new password twice, and click “Save
  5. Login with your new password

Password Requirements

  • At least 10 characters long
  • Must contain at least 3 of the following: 
    • Uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z)
    • Lowercase alphabetic characters (a-z)
    • Numerals (0-9)
    • Special characters (for example: !, $,#, or %)
    • Other Unicode characters
  • Cannot contain your university ID
  • Cannot contain your first or last name
  • Cannot be changed for 1 day after the last password change
  • Cannot be one of your previous 5 passwords