
Business owner: Information Technology Services

The CloudStor service is being decommissioned in December 2023. Click here to learn more about how the ANU is responding to this and how you can protect your data.

Staff and students have the capability to send and receive large email items greater than 25MB. This is securely hosted through Australia's Academic and Research Network (AARNet) and prepared through the CloudStor webpage.

How it works

  1. Securely log into Cloudstor (
  2. Attach your file(s) on to the page and add the intended recipient(s).
  3. Send the File using their Service to your intended recipient(s).
  4. The recipient(s) are emailed a link to download the temporarily stored document within Cloudstor, available until the expiry date is reached.
  5. Notification emails about your files and transfers
  6. Once the expiry date of the file within the Cloudstor system has been reached, the file(s) is/are automatically deleted. Cloudstor does not encrypt the files you upload into the service.

How Much Data Can I Send?

Currently we limit the amount of files you can upload to 30 files with a total maximum size of 2TB per upload. If you require more capacity, please email

With Cloudstor+, Individual researchers at AARNet-connected institutions receive up to 100GB of storage free of charge and low-cost additional storage is available on request. AARNet can set up groups with group storage quotas for research collaborations. Research groups may apply for a group quota by emailing with contact details and approximate size of storage required.

Page Owner: Admin