Wireless security recommendations
The security recommendations are slightly different depending on which wireless service you are connecting to.
Be aware that, in general terms, wireless networks are less secure than wired networks since the electrical signal is not confined to a wire. This can increase the potential for your traffic to be intercepted or 'snooped'.
Common recommendations
- Enable your operating system's firewall.
- Install anti-virus software such as Sophos and keep it up-to-date.
- Keep your operating system (OS) up-to-date with vendor-provided patches, such as those supplied by Windows Update. Set your OS to automatically patch as they are released.
- Be wary of running programs or files downloaded from untrusted sources-these can contain invisible programs called trojan horses or viruses.
- Use common sense when reading unsolicited mail (spam) and do not click on hyperlinks contained in such emails.
- Use a browser that includes a phishing filter.
Related guidance
- ANU Service Desk
- +61 2 612 54321
- Service Desk
Page Owner: Chief Information Security Office