Staff & student support

There is a range of free support services available to assist in reducing or quitting smoking. You can also access counselling services through ANU, at the on campus medical centre or talk to your own health care practitioner for support. The important thing if you are working towards a quit goal is to keep trying different approaches until you find the one that works for you.

  1. The Australian Government conducts the QUIT Now program. Through this program, the following services are available:
    • Quitline: Quitline is a telephone information and advice service for people who want to QUIT smoking. Quitline contact is 13 78 49.  
    • Quit Pack — ask the Quitline for this free pack. It contains useful information including: a book to help you prepare, a guide to choosing the best way for you to quit, and a handy wallet card with tips to cope with cravings
    • QuitCoach — an online tool that asks questions about your smoking habits and lifestyle. Using that information, it creates a quit plan tailored for you.
  2. Counselling Support at ANU. Students can seek support from the ANU Student Counselling Service. Staff can access the Employee Assistance Program(Staff only content).
  3. My QuitBuddy is a free mobile phone app designed to support and encourage you to quit smoking. It lets you set personal goals, track your progress and see how much money you've saved. Alerts and other messages help keep you on track and support is available from the many other people using the app.
  4. The Quit for You – Quit for Two mobile phone app helps pregnant women to quit smoking. While it offers similar features to My QuitBuddy it has also has information about your baby's development to help keep you motivated.
  5. Quit is an interactive website that provides young people with information on tobacco and the tobacco industry; allowing them to make an informed decision about smoking.

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