Support services

Services specific to ANU staff and students are outlined below.


For student counselling services at the ANU call 612 52442 or visit the counselling website.

For staff counselling services,  contact the Adviser to Staff by emailing, or visit the Employee Assistance Webpage.


The ANU Medical Centre is located on level 2 of the Health and Wellbeing Centre (Building 156) in Kambri.

Services are bulk-billed (no cost) for ANU students. Staff fees can be found under the "fees" section of the Medical Services webpage.

If you are looking for other ANU support services, please visit the Getting Help at ANU webpage.


For security assistance and services contact 612 52249. In an emergency dial extension 52249 and dial 1 as soon as you hear the voice prompts. Visit Safety & security for more information

Students' Association

The ANU Students’ Association (ANUSA) is the student association for undergraduate, postgraduate and research students. ANUSA offers academic and legal support as well as representation for students. ANUSA also runs the Brian Kenyon Student Space which offers free breakfast every weekday. ANUSA can be contacted at or 6125 2444.


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