Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1. What is the ANYOU Pulse Survey?

The ANYOU Pulse survey is a follow up to the ANYOU Staff Engagement Survey delivered in March 2023. The ANYOU Pulse survey is designed as a quick check-in on progress made since the last survey and how staff are currently feeling about working at ANU.

2. What is the ANYOU Staff Engagement Survey?

The ANYOU survey is coordinated by the People and Culture Division. It measures employee engagement by asking participants to rate their experience against a series of questions in categories such as leadership, management, teamwork, wellbeing and learning and development.

This type of survey last took place at ANU in 2018 using the Voice Project.

3. Who is administering the survey?

The ANYOU Pulse survey is administered by the People and Culture Division using an external online platform called Culture Amp.

4. What is the point of engagement and pulse surveys?

As part of the 2025 strategic plan, ANU is committed to having a positive, inclusive and collegial workplace culture. One way to measure the University’s culture is through an engagement survey.

The ANYOU Survey will allow us to:

  • Measure current staff engagement and identify drivers for improvement
  • Give staff a voice to provide confidential feedback directly to the organisation
  • Establish a baseline and identify areas to drive improved staff experience across the University
  • Take meaningful action

Higher employee engagement is associated with increased productivity, reduced turnover and absenteeism, as well as happier and healthier staff.

5. Who can complete the ANYOU Pulse survey?

ANU staff employed on or before 16 October 2023 in continuing, fixed-term and continuing contingent-funded positions are being invited to complete the survey, as well as actively-employed casual staff*.

*Includes casual staff who submitted a timesheet in October 2023, and casual sessional academics engaged for 2023.

6. Is the ANYOU Pulse survey confidential?

Responses to this survey are confidential and no one at ANU will see individual responses.

Engagement survey project team members from the People and Culture Division and the College/Portfolio HR teams will have access to view aggregated results and produce reports. Local College/Portfolio leadership teams (Deans, DVCs, General Managers and School Directors) will have access to aggregated results for their College/Portfolio or School/Centre/Division.

No staff at ANU will be able to view results for sample sizes of less than 10 people.

The purpose of the ANYOU Pulse survey is to identify aggregate patterns and themes, and not to act upon individual responses. If you would like to make a disclosure or seek support, please contact or refer to the Employee Assistance Program

7. Will my supervisor/manager see my answers?

Your supervisor/manager will not be able to individually identify your responses. Appropriate steps have been taken to ensure that individual respondents cannot be identified in reporting (eg qualitative responses will be de-identified where necessary, no quantitative reporting will be available for sample sizes of less than 10 people).

8. How do I access the survey?

You log in to complete the survey via a link which will be emailed to all staff or a QR code which will feature on the ANYOU web page.

9. How long will I have to complete the ANYOU Pulse survey?

The survey will be open from Thursday 16 November to Tuesday 28 November 2023.

10. How long will the ANYOU Pulse survey take?

The survey takes around 4 minutes to complete.

11. How do I answer the questions?

For the majority of questions, you will be asked to rate your level of agreement with a statement. You also have the option to provide comments to expand upon the rating given.

There are also a small number of free text questions which ask for your views on particular topics.

12. Can I skip questions?

Yes you can skip questions, however we would ask that you try to answer all questions to make the feedback more meaningful.

13. I recently moved teams/departments, should I answer based on my previous or current team?

Answer the questions based on your current team. If you wish to give specific feedback about your previous team, this can be done using the open comments.

14. Why should I complete the survey?

This survey is your opportunity to have your say and contribute to your future ANU. The more staff who complete the survey, the more representative the feedback, and the better we will understand where ANU is now and where we can take action to improve.

15. Is this survey mandatory?

Although the survey is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged to ensure that we have a clear understanding of where ANU is now and where we can take action to improve.

16. Do I have to complete the survey in one go or can I save progress and return later?

You can save progress and return to complete the survey later.

17. How is ANU data used in the platform?

Staff data (including name, UID number and email address) is used to provide individual access to the Culture Amp platform for the duration of its use by the University. This data is uploaded by staff in the People and Culture Division.

In addition to the engagement survey, Culture Amp offers access to a range of other surveys, such as inclusion, wellbeing, on-boarding and exit surveys. It also provides resources which support leaders to take action in response to survey feedback. These features will also be used by the University.

18. What data security measures are in place?

ANU data is securely stored by Culture Amp, hosted in Amazon’s AWS cloud platform.

As part of the procurement process, the Culture Amp platform was assessed by the ANU Information Security Office and recommendations adopted to comply with ANU security requirements, including the use of Single Sign On and Multi-Factor Authentication to access the survey.

19. What privacy measures are in place?

The contract between ANU and Culture Amp specifies that Culture Amp must comply with the Privacy ACT 1988 (Cth).

The Culture Amp platform requires that users consent to the collection of personal information before receiving access to complete each survey. Users who do not consent are not required to complete the survey.

Individuals can request that their data be deleted at any time by emailing the request to or

20. Who will have access to the data?

Engagement survey project team members from the People & Culture Division and the College/Portfolio HR teams will have access to view aggregated results and produce reports. Local College/Portfolio leadership teams (Deans, DVCs, General Managers and School Directors) will have access to aggregated results for their College/Portfolio or School/Centre/Division.

No staff at ANU will be able to view results for sample sizes of less than 10 people.

Culture Amp employees and sub-processors will have access to information on a privileged access basis determined by role and function.

Specialist staff from Culture Amp will assist ANU with the analysis and interpretation of results.The contract between ANU and Culture Amp specifies that Culture Amp must comply with the Privacy ACT 1988 (Cth).

21. How will the results of the ANYOU Pulse survey be used?

Results will be communicated at the University-wide, College/Portfolio and School/Centre/Division level, for leadership teams to lead discussions on developing and implementing actions in response to the feedback.

22. When will the ANYOU Pulse survey results be shared?

University-wide and individual College and Portfolio survey results will be shared with staff from early 2024.

23. Who is the survey provider?

The survey provider is Culture Amp, a web-based analytics platform. More information is available on the Culture Amp website.

24. Where do the questions come from?

The survey uses research-based questions developed by Culture Amp. Some amendments have been made for consistency with the ANU environment. Using the Culture Amp survey questions will allow us to benchmark ANU results against our own and other industries.

More information about the development of the survey questions is available in this article from Culture Amp: The science behind our Engagement surveys

25. Where can I get more information?

For further information, please visit the survey website.

If you have any questions please contact the People and Culture team:



  •  Talent & Capability - Supporting Development

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