63. Workplace health and safety co-operation

63.1. The parties to this agreement recognise their mutual interest in, and the University’s responsibility for:

    1. developing and implementing healthy and safe working conditions in the University;
    2. constantly reviewing the health and safety standards in each workplace; and
    3. ensuring that the University complies with its duties towards staff members, contractors and visitors.

    63.2. The University is committed to providing and maintaining safety standards and practices which offer the highest reasonably practicable degree of protection based on current knowledge. As a minimum, the University’s health and safety standards shall conform to relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation, regulations and codes of practice or Australian Standards prescribed by legislation, and source as a reference applicable guidelines published by relevant statutory authorities. The University shall manage its health and safety standards through its University WHS Committee, and in consultation with staff in accordance with relevant legislation.

    63.3. To facilitate its commitment, and in accordance with legislation and University policy, the University shall consult with its staff on all significant Workplace Health and Safety matters. The University shall comply with its health and safety consultative duties through local work health and safety committees representing designated working groups, safety advisory groups and health and safety representatives.

    63.4. The University will notify relevant unions of any impending consultation on determination of work groups under relevant work, health and safety legislation.


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