61. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment

61.1. The University will, in consultation with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Committee, review, improve and implement the current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy. This Strategy shall encompass measures to be taken across the University to increase the employment, retention and development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.

61.2. In pursuing this objective, the University will:

    1. allocate responsibility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues to a member of the University Executive;
    2. increase the number of non-casual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members to at least 145 staff members by the end of 30 June 2026; The University will aim to achieve a milestone of at least 136 staff members by 30 June 2025;
    3. maximise development opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff; and encourage the transfer of job skills and information to increase expertise, remuneration and job security. The University will commit to:
    1. support the growth of ANU career pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment program with an annual allocation of $125,000 per annum for the life of the Agreement;
    2. build a substantial Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and education community through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Postdoctoral Fellowships program, in order to attract and develop Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early career academics across all academic disciplines; and
    3. encourage and improve a sense of community at the University for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff by establishing an effective Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff network. Network activities will be funded with an annual budget of $25,000 per annum for the life of the Agreement, and will be formally supported by the People & Culture Division;
    1. ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and culture are embedded and celebrated within the University campus to improve the cultural competency of staff, students and the wider community;
    2. recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity, and the skills, experience, and knowledge it brings, is a genuine professional qualification for any position that has a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy, identity, heritage, knowledge, culture and language, including identified positions;
    3. have appropriate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation, where possible, on selection panels should an applicant for a position identify themselves in their application as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander;
    4. ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members on fixed-term contracts are aware of and seek alternative employment opportunities within the University in advance of the expiry of their current employment arrangements and provide all reasonable assistance to ensure they remain employed by the University; and
    5. consider the impact of change proposals on the job security or future employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members, and consider any opportunities for change proposals to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment. Where possible take action to avoid any reduction in the numbers of non-casual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff as a consequence of change proposals.

    61.3. The University will allow time and reasonable reimbursement of costs incurred by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members, for undertaking activities relating to the additional cultural load in accordance with clause 52.5 and 52.6 (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workload recognition).

    61.4. The University will support all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to fulfil their unique cultural responsibilities, in accordance with the personal leave provisions in clause 35.

      Cultural duties and language allowance

      61.5. The University recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members bring specific knowledge and expertise to the University which is often drawn on by the University community. Further to this the University recognises the increased effectiveness and productivity of employees proficient in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

      61.6. In recognition of the additional cultural knowledge, expertise and cultural duties undertaken by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members who undertake additional cultural duties or use language in the course of their employment shall be paid an allowance in accordance with the table below:



        Level 1

        $2,500 per annum

        •  Elementary level language use  - staff who are capable of using minimal knowledge of language for the purpose of simple communication;
          •  Welcome to Country/Acknowledgement of Country; 
          • Smoking/Cleansing Ceremonies (or similar);
          • Performances of traditional dance and storytelling;
          • Provision of cultural knowledge; or
        • Additional work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities on behalf of the institution outside standard working hours (for example, attendance/participation at community meetings as a representative of the university).

        Level 2

        $4,500 per annum

        • Language use which represents a level of ability for the ordinary purposes of general business, conversation, reading and writing;
        • Organising and/or participating in Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week events on behalf of the University; or
        • Cultural learning, teaching and research requirements where not already specifically detailed in the staff member’s position description.

        61.7. For the purpose of eligibility of the allowance described in clause 61.6, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language shall mean a recognised proficiency in any one of the Aboriginal or Torres Strait languages.

          Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Committee

          61.8. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Committee oversees and advises on the development and implementation of Indigenous employment initiatives across ANU, in line with the ANU Strategic Plan.

          61.9. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Committee will be made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, and be chaired by the Vice-President First Nations Portfolio (or nominee, provided that nominee is an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff member), and will include:

            1. two seats for nominated Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander NTEU representatives who are current ANU staff members;
            2. two seats for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff representatives (one academic and one professional) elected by the ANU Indigenous Staff Network (howsoever named);
            3. two Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff with a level of seniority equivalent to a Director or higher; and
            4. the Senior Consultant Indigenous, Employment and Retention, however named.

            61.10. The University will ensure that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Committee meets at least twice per calendar year, and the University will provide secretarial support.

            61.11. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Committee will:

              1. Review Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staffing data, including deidentified data on levels and modes of employment;
              2. Develop a series of performance indicators for the employment strategy which address:
              1. Participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees in cultural and ceremonial activities;
              2. Professional and career development opportunities; and
              3. Retention and promotion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.
              1. Review the operation of, and make recommendations in relation to, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment program;
              2. Have responsibility for the ANU Indigenous Staff Network (howsoever named), including making and approving decisions on the disbursement of funds.


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