SAGE Self-Assessment Team

About the ANU Self-Assessment Team

The ANU Self-Assessment Team (SAT) is chaired by the Provost, Professor Mike Calford, and is supported by a small team of professional staff. The SAT membership is diverse and includes staff from across the University, including members with primary caring responsibilities. The SAT will oversee, guide, prepare and submit the application for SAGE Athena SWAN institutional Bronze Award.

The work of the Self-Assessment Team

  • Lead activities for the application of an Athena SWAN Award
  • Promote Athena SWAN through the University
  • Undertake scoping of available data, including existing datasets and relevant policies
  • Collect further data as necessary
  • Coordinate qualitative research among staff members, such as a confidential survey of STEMM staff
  • Interpret the quantitative and qualitative data to identify gaps and opportunities for improving gender equity
  • Coordinate the development of an Action Plan
  • Present and finalise the Athena SWAN submission.

SAT members

Professor Mike Calford – Provost, and Chair of the Self-Assessment Team
Professor Mike Calford is a leading researcher in the field of neuroscience. He has served in senior leadership roles in Australian universities for over 15 years and joined ANU in March 2018, from the University of Tasmania. In his role as Provost at ANU, he will lead the delivery of key initiatives in the ANU Strategic Plan, including achieving a SAGE Athena SWAN Bronze institutional award.

Professor Richard Baker – Pro Vice-Chancellor (University Experience)
As Pro Vice-Chancellor (University Experience), Professor Richard Baker leads strategic initiatives that promote student and staff equity, Indigenous Reconciliation and improve the quality of the student experience. His academic background is in geography. His research has focussed around Indigenous and environmental equity issues. Professor Baker is a White Ribbon Ambassador, and is responsible for coordinating the University’s responses to the Australian Human Rights Commission report on sexual violence on campuses.

Associate Professor Cathy Banwell – ANU College of Health and Medicine
Associate Professor Cathy Banwell is Senior Fellow within the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health. Her research interests include the socio-cultural contributors to obesity and other public health issues, and women’s health, family and social issues. She brings to the SAT her expertise in qualitative research analysis and interest in gender equity.  She represents the College of Health and Medicine on the SAT.

Professor Steve Blackburn – ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science
Professor Steve Blackburn is a computer scientist within the Research School of Computing.  Steve is Associate Dean, Diversity and Inclusion for his College.   He is a longstanding advocate for gender equity in STEMM.  He is deeply grateful for twenty-years of mentoring from, and a highly productive research collaboration with, an outstanding female computer scientist.  This decades-long experience has given him lasting insights into the plight of women in computer science.  His wife is also an academic and together they have three children.

Professor Stephen Eggins – ANU College of Science
Professor Stephen Eggins is the Director of the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences, and a Member of the ANU Climate Change Institute. His field of research is in biogeochemistry. He is an advocate for gender equity in STEMM, and supports the work of the RSES Equity & Diversity Committee.

Professor John Evans – ANU College of Science
Professor John Evans is a plant physiologist from the ANU Research School of Biology, and a member of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and in 1998 won a Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship. He is a strong advocate for diversity and equity in science. During his post-doctoral fellowship at CSIRO, he had the privilege to work in Jan Anderson’s laboratory. She was inspirational and recounted many instances of gender discrimination that she had had to overcome during her career. Some of those barriers still need to be removed.

Professor Rae Frances – ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Professor Rae Frances is a Professor of History, and the Dean of the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences. Her particular area of interest and expertise is women’s and gender history. She is a member of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.

Ms Richelle Hilton – Planning and Performance Measurement
Ms Richelle Hilton is the Director of ANU Planning and Performance Measurement, and brings to the SAGE Self-Assessment Team her expertise in data analysis. She also brings to the SAT her experience as a working parent of young children.

Professor Elanor Huntington – ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science
Professor Elanor Huntington is the Dean of the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science. She is the first female Dean of this College, and brings to the SAT her understanding of gender within STEMM disciplines, and the ways that bias and discrimination can impact on female academics in these fields. Professor Huntington is passionate about attracting more young women to take up careers that draw on STEMM skills.

Professor Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt – ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Professor Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt works within the Resource, Environment and Development team at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy. Her research and teaching focuses on the interface of gender and community with natural resource industries and environmental management, particularly in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. She is passionate about gender equity issues and has consistently worked to ensure a better deal for women in general and women of colour in particular. She currently leads the Gender, Development and the Environment node of the ANU Gender Institute.

Mr Jamiyl Mosley – Head of Hall - Burton and Garran Hall, Division of Student Life
Mr Jamiyl Mosley has been Head of student residential college Burton and Garran Hall since September 2014, and came to Canberra from the US where he worked for 15 years in Student Life. Jamiyl has benefitted from being a mentor to a Division 1 Women’s Softball team and a university dance team comprised mainly of women. He has developed as a professional under the supervision of female leaders over his career and he understands that women in leadership help create stronger organisations. He is one of six Professional staff members within the Self-Assessment Team (SAT). 

Professor Mark Nolan – ANU College of Law
Professor Mark Nolan is an interdisciplinary legal scholar with doctoral training in social psychology and a Masters of Asia Pacific Studies. His research and teaching interests are criminal law and procedure as well as legal psychology. He brings to the SAT his expertise in qualitative and quantitative research, and a deep interest in issues surrounding gender in the workplace and society.

Ms Sarah O’Callaghan – ANU Facilities and Services
Ms Sarah O’Callaghan is the Space Manager within the ANU Facilities and Services Division, where she is responsible for managing the University’s space data, utilisation and property reporting. Since joining ANU in 2002, she has worked in a range of different professional roles within Central units and in the Colleges of Science, and as a result has observed gender equity issues faced by women across various fields of research and employment.

Professor Paul Pickering – ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Professor Paul Pickering is the Director of the ANU Research School of Humanities and the Arts, and is also Director of the Australian Studies Institute. His areas of expertise include Australian government and politics, Australian history and British history. He is a longstanding advocate for women in academia.

Associate Professor Naomi Priest – ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Associate Professor Naomi Priest is a Senior Fellow within the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods and holds an NHMRC Career Development Fellowship. Her research focuses on using social and epidemiologic methods to examine and address inequalities in health and development with a strong focus on understanding and addressing discrimination as a determinant of health. She brings to the SAT a strong research background and knowledge of initiatives that counter discrimination and bias, and promote diversity and inclusion among individuals, organisations and across society.

Dr Joanna Sikora – ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Joanna Sikora is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology whose research explores career expectations of students, equity and gender inequality in education, particularly in science. Joanna has completed commissioned research on gender segregation in science-related career and educational choices of youth for the National Centre for Vocational Education Research, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Commission. At ANU, Joanna has organised Gender Institute-sponsored workshops and presentations about reforms to foster gender equity in academic employment and in science. She is passionate about equity initiatives which recognise subtle yet powerful cultural norms that facilitate gender segregation not only at university but also in pre-tertiary education and non-academic employment.

Dr Nadine White – Director, Human Resources

Dr Jananie William – ANU College of Business and Economics
Dr Jananie William is an Actuarial Studies lecturer in the ANU Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics and a Fellow of the Actuaries Institute. Her research interests are in public health (in particular maternal health), public policy and human services, with a focus on women’s issues. She enjoys applying actuarial techniques to these areas to provide policy solutions to complex problems and ultimately produce better outcomes for individuals and society. She brings to the SAT her expertise in complex data analysis and research background in women’s issues combined with her lived experience balancing primary caring responsibilities with an academic career.

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