Athena SWAN at ANU

ANU strives to be an inclusive university that promotes diversity and encourages all staff to achieve their full potential. The University is deeply committed to helping women achieve the full promise of their academic careers at ANU.

To achieve this ANU has committed to the SAGE Pilot of Athena SWAN in Australia. Athena SWAN is an accreditation program that recognises, promotes and rewards excellence in advancing gender equity and diversity. ANU became an inaugural member of the SAGE Pilot project in 2016.

While the focus of the SAGE pilot is on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM) disciplines, ANU is also committed to gender equity in the Humanities and Social Science disciplines, as well as in our professional staff. 

What we're doing

To achieve an Athena SWAN Bronze Award, ANU must demonstrate that it:

  • understands the current state of gender equity in its STEMM disciplines
  • understands the institutional structures, systems and culture which contribute to gender inequity in its STEMM disciplines
  • has a 4-year action plan to address gender inequity in its STEMM disciplines

ANU has begun data collection, and in 2018 will decide upon a number practical actions to support gender equity in science. Our submission for the Bronze SAGE award is due 31 March 2019.

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