Kayla Smurthwaite

Research Fellow and Lecturer
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
ANU College of Health & Medicine
Types of mentoring: 

I believe mentoring is important because it can challenge your perceptions of yourself (or your work) and provide new insights into your career trajectory.

I am an applied epidemiologist and lecturer in environmental health at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health. I work on emerging issues of public concern, navigating evidence translation for government, industry and community groups with a range of national and international collaborators. In recent years, I have transitioned from a HDR student to an academic role in both research and teaching at the ANU, with the aid of several, significant mentors. I value leadership opportunities for all career levels, and I actively encourage participation from all members of the teams I work within, including student groups.

My ANU Researcher Profile


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