Dr Benjamin Schwessinger

Future Fellow and Group leader
ELife Early Career Advisory Group member
Software carpentry instructor
Software carpentry trainer
Research School of Biology
ANU College of Science
Types of mentoring: 

I believe mentoring is important because good mentoring will make you get more out of your goals. Sometimes it is good to have someone to bounce ideas off and to gain new insight which is not jumping to the front of your mind regularly. Different perspectives and viewpoints are good and can help you prioritizing your plenty full tasks.

I lived on five continents. I did my PhD in Europe and my first postdoc in California before moving to Australia. I held multiple fellowships (really coming up to 20 years straight after my last one). I am heavily invested in community building locally and internationally. I worked through several non-reproducible results in my previous laboratory. I have some connections to industry and some experience in consulting. My main research area is genomics, plant pathogens, fungi, and plant biology. I usually work too much... but still have time to hang out with my son a lot as part time single parent.

My ANU Researcher Profile

My Google Scholar Profile

My Twitter Profile


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Page owner: Wellbeing