Facilities & maps

Detailed information is provided in this section about the ANU campus in Acton, including campus maps, parking and transport facilities, venues and function areas.

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School of Archaeology and Anthropology
School of Art & Design
School of Art & Design Foyer Gallery
School of Art & Design Gallery
School of Culture, History and Language (CHL)
School of Demography
School of History
School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics
School of Music
School of Philosophy
School of Politics and International Relations
School of Sociology
Science Administration JCSMR Hub
Science Administration Robertson Hub
Science Executive
Science Teaching Building 1.14 Lab 1
Science Teaching Building 1.17 Lab 2
Science Teaching Building 1.38 Lab 3
Science Teaching Building 2.13 Lab 4
Science Teaching Building 2.17 Lab 5
Science Teaching Building 2.19 Lab 6
Science Teaching Building 3.02
Science Teaching Building Lecture Theatre
Seminar Rooms
Service Improvement Group (SIG)
Shanghai Dumpling Cafe
Sir Roland Wilson Building Lecture Theatres
Sir Roland Wilson Conference Room 1.02
Sir Roland Wilson parenting room
Sir Roland Wilson Seminar Room 1, 3.02
Sir Roland Wilson Theatrette 2.02
Slatyer Room
Social Policy Institute
Spicy Ginger
Sports Recreation Centre
Squash Courts - ANU Sport
SRES Lecture Theatre
STA Travel
Staff ID Cards
Stanner 1.01
Stanner Room
Statistical Consulting Unit
STB Lecture Theatre S1 (3.07)
STB Seminar Room 3.07
STB Seminar Room S2 (3.02)
Strategic and Defence Studies Centre
Strategic Communications & Public Affairs
Strength & Conditioning Facilities