Facilities & maps

Detailed information is provided in this section about the ANU campus in Acton, including campus maps, parking and transport facilities, venues and function areas.

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Law 6.1.19
Law 6.1.20
Law G11
Law G12
Law G13
Law G14
Law G18
Law G21
Law G32
Law G5
Law G6
Law Lecture Theatre
Law Library
Law Library Foyer
Law Library Lab 1
Law Library Lab 2
Law Link Lecture Theatre
Law Study Room 1
Law Study Room 2
Law Study Room 3
Law Study Room 4
Legal Office
Lena Karmel Lodge
Lena Karmel Lodge Information Commons
Leo Cussen Centre
Leonard Huxley Lecture Theatre
Licensed Grocer on Balmain
Lipotek Pty Ltd
Little Pickle
Liversidge Court Apartments
Llewellyn Hall
Lost and Found
Mail Room
Maintenance - Facilities and Services
Marie Reay 2.02
Marie Reay 3.02
Marie Reay 3.03
Marie Reay 3.04
Marie Reay 3.05
Marie Reay 4.02
Marie Reay 4.03
Marie Reay 4.04
Marie Reay 4.05
Marie Reay 5.02
Marie Reay 5.03
Marie Reay 5.04
Marie Reay 5.05
Marie Reay 5.06
Marie Reay 6.02