Facilities & maps

Detailed information is provided in this section about the ANU campus in Acton, including campus maps, parking and transport facilities, venues and function areas.

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Lena Karmel Lodge Information Commons
Leo Cussen Centre
Leonard Huxley Lecture Theatre
Licensed Grocer on Balmain
Lipotek Pty Ltd
Little Pickle
Liversidge Court Apartments
Llewellyn Hall
Lost and Found
Mail Room
Maintenance - Facilities and Services
Marie Reay 2.02
Marie Reay 3.02
Marie Reay 3.03
Marie Reay 3.04
Marie Reay 3.05
Marie Reay 4.02
Marie Reay 4.03
Marie Reay 4.04
Marie Reay 4.05
Marie Reay 5.02
Marie Reay 5.03
Marie Reay 5.04
Marie Reay 5.05
Marie Reay 5.06
Marie Reay 6.02
Marie Reay Teaching Centre
Marketing Office
Massage Therapy
Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI)
Media Liaison (SCAPA)
Medical School
Meet Fresh
Meetings Room
Melville Hall
Melville Hall G51
Menzies Centre for Health Policy (MCHP)
Menzies Flex Lab
Menzies Foyer East
Menzies Library (Asia-Pacific)
Menzies McDonald Room
Mills Room
Mobile Phones - Mo's Mobiles
Molo Live
Molonglo Theatre
Momo's Tastes of Tibet
Moot Court
Moran 1012