2023 Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies Review

The Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies is undertaking a review of how the Centre's functions align and contribute toward the University's strategic goals. The terms of reference for the review outline the scope of the review and are attached on this page.

There will be an opportunity for the University community to have input.



Site visit dates: 1-3 May 2023

Call for Written Submission (University and with External Stakeholders): to be confirmed

Release of Self-Evaluation Report: to be confirmed


Panel Members

Professor Sarah Baker
(Chair of Panel)

Professor, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science,

Griffith University

Associate Professor Lee Davidson

Associate Professor, Stout Research Centre,

Victoria University of Wellington

Mr Michael Aird

Director, Anthropology Museum & UQ Amplify Lecturer, School of Social Science

University of Queensland



Terms of Reference

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