Library Advisory Committee

Meeting frequency

Generally twice per annum.

2024 dates

  • Tuesday 9 July 2024, 10.30am Graneek Room, Chifley Library
  • Wednesday 27 November 2024, 10.30am Graneek Room, Chifley Library


The secretariat will be provided by the Library.

Terms of reference

  • To provide advice to the University Librarian on policies, strategies and priorities in the context of the strategic directions of the University.
  • To provide a mechanism for discussion between Library and Archives users and staff on matters relating to the operation of the Library.
  • To advise the University Librarian on the distribution of the Library materials budget.
  • To consider the financial needs of the Library and to provide relevant advice to the other appropriate bodies.
  • To receive regular reports on the quality and use of the University's scholarly information services and resources and to ensure these are appropriate to academic teaching and research programs.

Membership of the Committee will include:

  • a member from each college
  • a postgraduate student nominated by ANUSA
  • an undergraduate student nominated by ANUSA.


