Facilities and Services Division awarded first place for its water savings measures

13 Jun 2017

ANU Facilities and Services has received an Internet of Things (IoT) Award for its Smart Water Metering project. The project has identified around $300,000 in potential water usage savings, and has been recognised as a best practice example in the professional services category.

As a part of its commitment to run a sustainable and environmentally-friendly campus, the Australian National University (ANU) had over 180 water monitoring devices installed on water meters across its network in August 2016. The meters have helped to identify unaccounted water use, and led to significant cost savings as well as enabling the prioritisation of water-saving measures. The potential benefits were realised in a short amount of time, as it only took six weeks to identify potential savings.

The inaugural IoT Awards have been launched to recognise Australia’s best examples of Internet of Things technologies and concepts solving real-world business and societal problems. The IoT Awards consists of five categories, spanning across industries that will be transformed by IoT, including Government (e.g. smart cities), Primary Industry (e.g. mining, agriculture), Secondary Industry (e.g. industrial), Professional Services (e.g. healthcare) and Education & Research.