Dual Delivery at ANU

At ANU the following terminology applies

At ANU, this is when a specific session is presented in more than one method, though NOT at the same time. 

Example: ABC1234 is presented 3 times per week, session 1 is ON CAMPUS ONLY, session 2 is ONLINE ONLY and session 3 is DUAL DELIVERY. 

Dual Delivery:
This refers to when a session is presented with students in the physical space on campus while simultaneously having students online for the live session. To meet the initial demand, a few venues have been equipped with Dual Delivery equipment. 

See a list of Centrally managed rooms with the capacities and equipment. 

Different Dual Delivery types 

1. Dual Delivery Equipped – High 

These newly upgraded spaces with professional grade pan/tilt cameras and microphones, set-up to capture the whole room audio, including students in the learning space.  
The equipment in Dual Delivery – High equipped rooms include: 

  1. The standard ANU Lectern PC with Crestron touch panel 

  2. Projector 

  3. Document Camera 

  4. Ceiling mounted pan/tilt camera controlled from the Crestron panel 

  5. Ceiling mounted professional grade microphone 

It is advised that academics take an additional device (laptop or tablet) with them to assist in running the Dual Delivery session. 

2. Dual Delivery Equipped – Basic Set-up 

This refers to the Centrally managed rooms which are equipped and supported by the Central teams for Dual Delivery. This is a very basic set-up. 
The equipment in the Dual Delivery - Basic Equipped rooms include: 

  1. The standard ANU Lectern PC with Crestron touch panel 

  2. Projector 

  3. Document Camera 

  4. USB plug-in Microphone on the Lectern 

  5. USB plug-in Webcam mounted on the Lectern PC screen 

It is advised that academics take an additional device (laptop or tablet) with them to assist in running the Dual Delivery session. 

3. Dual Delivery BYO Self-Enabled 

These rooms are just standard ANU teaching spaces with no additional equipment to aid in Dual Delivery. Academics are required to bring their own equipment for successful Dual Delivery in these spaces. 
Standard equipment in these rooms may include but is not limited to: 

  1. The standard ANU Lectern PC with Crestron touch panel 

  2. Projector 

  3. Document Camera (not always) 

It is recommended that academics take the following equipment with them to these venues: 

  • USB plug-in Webcam 

  • USB plug-in Microphone OR 

  • USB plug-in Webcam with integrated microphone 

It is also useful to have an additional device such as a laptop or tablet to assist in running a smooth Dual Delivery session. 

4. Echo360 Livestream 

Should you wish to do Dual Delivery using Echo Livestreaming, we recommend that you only do this in an Echo360-enabled room. If you want to use your own device and Universal capture this is best used in your office or from home rather than in a Dual Delivery set-up. This is due to the high CPU and network demand to produce a high-quality Livestream recording. 

It also important to note that online students might experience a lag of up to 3 minutes on the livestream, so keep this in mind when planning to use Echo360 Livestream. 

Remember that although you might have an automatic Echo360 recording scheduled already, you need to opt-in for Echo360 Livestream through ServiceDesk. If you have not opted-in, you could also start an Ad-Hoc Echo360 Livestream from within Universal Capture installed on the Lectern PC. 

Running a successful Dual Delivery session 

To run a successful Dual Delivery session, it is important to manage the students’ expectations as well as to familiarise yourself with the relevant equipment and the possibilities and limitations this mode of teaching entails.


  • Ensure that you are familiar with which equipment is in the room as well as the Dual Delivery and Echo360 recording advice

  • Some areas have put together Dual Delivery kits that academics can book to take to the teaching venue. For more information you can contact your College Education Support Teams

  • Schedule your Zoom meetings for each of your teaching sessions in advance and be sure to check that your Zoom meeting settings are set to Mute participants as they join as well as to *automatically record 

  • When you enter the venue, make sure that when you open Zoom, you are signed in through the Single Sign On (SSO) process. This will ensure that your Zoom recording is stored to Cloudstor and not on the Local machine. 

This Successful Dual Delivery Guide offers Easy admin tips and checklists to assist you in planning for a Dual Delivery session in all ANU Dual Delivery set-ups. However, the following advice applies ONLY to Dual Delivery – basic and Dual Delivery BYO spaces 

  • Start your Zoom session and check that your Microphone and Webcam Zoom settings are set to the USB plug-in devices.  

  • For your online students to be heard in the room, change your Zoom speaker settings to the Crestron Speakers, used for sound amplification in the room  

  • To allow the students in the room to be heard by the online students, use the roaming mic (if there is one) and make sure that the volume from the speakers in the room is loud enough to be picked up by the USB plug-in mic. This might cause an echo/feedback loop for online participants, adjust the volume until the issue is solved  

* We recommend that during Dual Delivery sessions, the Zoom session be recorded instead of Echo360. This is due to the Echo360 microphones in the room not feeding into the Zoom session and might result in bad audio on the Echo360 recording. 

Academics need to Opt-Out of their Automatic Echo360 recordings through ServiceDesk with approval from their ADE. Academics can then manually upload the Zoom recording to their Echo360 library before linking it to the relevant course. 

A well-selected Learning Space contributes to the effective design and delivery of positive learning experiences. 

Dual delivery

Dual delivery

Content for dual delivery.