ANU Wireless
The ANU wireless network is part of the Information Commons and comprises ANU Secure and Eduroam. Over 5000 wireless access points provide wireless coverage across campus.
All students and staff are encouraged to connect to ANU Secure.
ANU Secure and Eduroam are available on most operating systems and can be accessed by ANU students and staff using their ANU ID and password. Eduroam can be also accessed by visiting academics from other universities, using their own university’s login credentials.
It is strongly recommended that you enable your operating system's firewall, use up-to-date anti-virus software and read the Wireless Security Recommendations. Use of the ANU wireless network is subject to access policies and all users should make themselves familiar with the Acceptable Use Policy.
Contact Service Desk for support
If you need support, please call Service Desk on +61 2 612 54321 or log a ticket. Include the details below. This will enable faster troubleshooting:
- What Wi-Fi service (ANU-Secure/Eduroam) are you attempting to connect to?
- Include your details:
- Your exact location (building, level, room number).
- Date and time of issue.
- User ID used where the problem was experienced.
- Device type (Smartphone, Mac, Windows etc.)
- Have you connected to this service successfully before?
- Can you successfully connect to other ANU Wi-Fi services? Is it successful in other locations?
- Are there any displayed messages? e.g.: - 'Limited or no connectivity', 'No signal'
Page Owner: Information Technology Services