Composition of the selection committee

As a guide, selection committees should be comprised of between three and six members. It may, for a variety of reasons, be necessary to expand the number of members, however a smaller committee is recommended.

Every effort must be made to ensure that committees reflect the diversity of the University population. There must always be a reasonable gender mix in the composition of Committees.

The HR Division recommends that, where resources allow, an HR representative assists selection committees in their assessment and deliberations.

  • Selection committee members must have the appropriate expertise to assess the applicants.
  • Members should be available to participate in all meetings, within the time-frame determined at the outset of the process and cannot be represented by substitutes.
  • Casual sessional academic staff are not eligible to take part on a selection committee.
  • The composition of the selection committee should be made available to applicants.

The following provides a guide to the composition of a typical selection committee. It is not prescriptive and the delegated authority may approve variations.

  • College Head/General Manager/ Manager/ Head of AOU/ or Director(as chair or delegate).
  • A member of staff at a more senior level than the vacant position, and in similar area/discipline.
  • Expert relevant to the discipline who is external where possible to the Division/College or at least the work area.
  • Stakeholder representative (optional).

At least one member of the Committee must be external to the College/Division, and all members of the Committee must be at a more senior level than the vacant position. Where a suitable representative outside the College/Division is not available, a representative who is external to the work area is a suitable substitute. This will assist the Committee in the objective assessment of the applicants.

Selection committees recruiting a senior or significant functional position (ie HR, IT, Marketing, Student Administration or Finance) will require a representative from the relevant central Division, nominated by the Service Division Director. Similarly, selection committees recruiting a senior position within a central Division will require representation by a General Manager (or representative) from another College or Division.


The composition of Selection Committees is determined in each case by the appropriate delegate, on the advice of the recruiting manager.

For level E appointments, the Vice-Chancellor is the delegate for selection documentation and selection committee membership.

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