Duties of employees, supervisors and managers

A PULSE on-line training module is available for Supervisors Responding to Staff Injury or Illness in the Workplace – Training for Supervisors


  • Take part in the return to work process.
  • See your Doctor on or before the review date as specified on your medical certificate.
  • Provide your original medical certificates to your case manager and a copy to your Supervisor.
  • Advise your Supervisor and case manager if you cannot attend work during the graduated return to work (GRTW) plan.
  • Advise your Supervisor, case manager and provider in a timely way of any worsening of your condition.
  • If you cannot attend work because of your compensable injury you must have a doctor's medical certificate to claim compensation for the absence.
  • Complete required forms in a timely manner.
  • Advise your Rehabilitation Case Manager if you wish to take leave during a GRTW plan. 


  • Foster a supportive workplace that encourages safe work practices and early reporting of injuries.
  • Advise the case manager as soon as you become aware of an injury. 
  • Make sure steps are taken to prevent further injury by understanding the cause of injury and putting safeguards in place.
  • Keep in close contact with the injured employee, be supportive and identify the assistance available to allow a return to work - the case manager will coordinate this process.
  • Work with the case manager to identify suitable duties and provide ongoing support. 
  • Consider changing the way work is done or modifying the work environment. 
  • Be involved and contribute to the development of the return to work plan for the injured employee and promptly let the case manager know if you, the injured employee or co-workers have any concerns along the way. 
  • After the injured employee has returned to work, work with them to make sure the outcome is sustained.

Senior Manager

  • Show your commitment to effectively implementing the University's rehabilitation policy.
  • Develop a workplace culture that prevents injury and supports injured employees. 
  • Make sure your case managers receive support from the organisation to fulfil their role and succeed with early intervention. 
  • Stay up-to-date with the University's return to work performance reports and track your organisation's claim costs/return to work outcomes and pinpoint any problems. 
  • Review and improve the effectiveness of the University's return to work strategies.

Rehabilitation Case Manager

  • Initiate, co-ordinate and monitor the rehabilitation process in consultation with all parties. 
  • Decide if an assessment for a return to work program is needed, particularly when an employee is likely to be away from work for more than 10 days (s36 of SRC Act). 
  • Organise a return to work program if necessary-you may need to contract an approved rehabilitation provider to develop the return to workplan (s37).
  • Actively manage the approved rehabilitation provider to make sure a quality and cost-effective program is developed. 
  • Put any decisions you make about a rehabilitation assessment or return to work plan in writing to the employee. 
  • Actively manage the rehabilitation program to make sure the return to work is successful. 
  • Work with the supervisor and approved rehabilitation provider to make sure the injured employee is given suitable employment (s40). 
  • Make sure the University complies with the rehabilitation guidelines for employers (s41).

Workplace Rehabilitation Provider

  • Provide expert, objective advice to the case manager to assist the timely, safe and durable return to work of an injured employee.
  • Provide a prompt response to referrals and other requests. 
  • Engage the injured employee, treating doctor and supervisor in the development and implementation of a tailored return to work plan. 
  • Actively monitor the return to work plan and regularly talk with all parties to make sure the goals are achieved. 
  • Make sure you comply with s34E of the SRC Act 1988,  Operational standards for rehabilitation program providers.

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