Workplace Adjustments

There are many types of workplace adjustments that an employer can make. Sometimes a combination of adjustments will be needed.

The list below is not exhaustive, but provides some examples of common workplace adjustments.

Type of disability Examples of workplace adjustments

Person with a mobility impairment

(including dexterity impairments)

Ramps, scooters, stair lifts, automatic doors, height adjustable work stations, vehicle modifications (work related), accessible bathroom, accessible lifts, handrails, accessible computer keyboards/ mouses, adapted office furniture or equipment, speech-recognition speech to text software.

Person who is deaf or hard of hearing

Hearing loops, vibrating or visual alarms, TTY, SMS, National Relay Service (NRS), live captioning, Auslan interpreters, video phones, subtitling.

Person who is blind or vision impaired

Screen-magnification (eg Zoom text) or screen-reading software (eg Jaws), magnification software for PDAs and mobile phones, Braille machines and printers, CCTV magnifiers for reading printed material, tactile ground surface indicators (TGSIs), contrasting work surfaces or trays, Braille or tactile maps.

Person with a mental health condition eg depression, schizophrenia

Flexible working arrangements, eg work from home, work part-time, change start/ finish times, longer or more frequent breaks, provide a partitioned area or private office to reduce noise/ distractions, divide large projects into smaller tasks, 'To do' lists or checklists, regular meetings with supervisors.

Person with learning disability eg dyslexia

PDAs, to assist with memory and planning, task cards, 'To do' lists or checklists, screen-reading software (eg Jaws), speech to text dictation software, provide verbal instructions.

Person with a long term or chronic health condition eg diabetes, MS, chronic fatigue syndrome

Cooling collars, air-conditioning, height adjustable work stations, building modifications, changes to lighting, eg increase natural light, remove fluorescent lighting, flexible working arrangements, eg work from home, work part-time.

N.B. Progression planning may be required for degenerative conditions, eg car parks, ramps, lifts, bathroom modifications.


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