Determining whether Workplace Adjustments are required

Workplace adjustments provide people with a disability the opportunity to perform to the best of their ability and to be as effective as possible in their role. 

Workplace adjustments include adjustments to the whole work environment, which incorporates immediate, surrounding and working environment.

Most people will not require any specific adjustments and are capable of managing on their own.

As a manager you should discuss with your staff member if workplace adjustments are required. If so, find out what types of reasonable adjustments your staff member needs. The best person to ask about what adjustments are necessary is your new staff member

Note: Your staff member may already have the necessary equipment with them, therefore it will be a case of ensuring it is compatible with ANU software and is installed in the quickest time possible.

Determine the most appropriate time to put these in place. This will be determined by what adjustments need to be put in place and the availability of your new staff member (if they need to be there and if they are available before they start)

Note: The aim is to ensure your new staff member has a smooth transition into their new role at ANU. Maintaining communication is key to what is required and the time-frames in which everything will be up and running.

Ensure that your staff member has completed their new staff induction and has been introduced to those staff they will be working with during the course of their employment at ANU.

Example of some of the reasonable adjustments include:

  • physical adjustments to their workplace

    Note: The majority of adjustments cost less than $500. Where a much larger cost is involved, it may be useful exploring the following options:

    • funding through Job Access
    • funding through Facilities and Services
  • working arrangements - such as hours duties performed - the way that they carry out their work (as long as they are getting the job done and performing the inherent requirements of their role).

Contact the injury management team to find out more about the above options.

Reference documents

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  •  Staff Wellbeing & Disability Support

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