ALP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q2. How will the EchoVideo schedule be generated?
Q3. What teaching activities are automatically recorded?
Q4. How do I opt out of automatic recording?
Q5. Can I request automatic recording for other activity types?
Q6. How can I access EchoVideo as a lecturer?
Q7. What is a class in EchoVideo?
Q8. How do students access the recordings?
Q9. How can I verify the details of my EchoVideo schedule?
Q10. What time will a scheduled recording commence and finish?
Q11. Can I control recordings?
Q12. How do I initiate an ad hoc recording?
Q13. When will the recording become available after it is recorded?
Q15. Can I delete a recording?
Q16. Can I control the publication of recordings?
Q17. Can I hide or unhide recordings?
Q18. What if I need to make a new booking or change the schedule?
Q19. What happens on a public holiday?
Q20. What happens for full day teaching activities?
Q21. How do I log into EchoVideo?
Q22. Will Training be Provided?
Q23. Can I upload a file to EchoVideo from my OneDrive?
1. What is 'EchoVideo'?
EchoVideo is the University’s updated lecture capture system. At its core, Echo360 ALP provides fully automated lecture capture services, allowing students to stream or download recordings of lectures after class.
Beyond lecture capture, EchovVideo provides a host of additional (and optional) functionalities to facilitate class engagement and participation. These include integrated interactive activities such as polls and quizzes, discussion spaces, and many more.
The EchoVideo comprises the following components:
- SafeCapture – It enables the automatic recording and playback of lectures. The EchoVideo Hardware Device is installed in over 112 venues across ANU. It is designed to simultaneously capture the following combinations of sources:
- Audio – Captures audio from the lecturer, audio from video, slides, or other media used in a lecture presentation.
- Display – Captures output from devices such as lectern computers, document cameras, DVD players, iPads and any other display sources controlled by the lectern control panel.
- Web Control Interface - A web browser based interface is provided to interact with the capture device to control and monitor the capture functions within a selected venue. The web interface provides the functionality to extend recordings, commence/stop earlier than the scheduled time and pause/resume recordings. To launch the control interface in one of the Echo-enabled venues, simply double-click on the "EchoVideo Lecture Recording" icon on the lectern desktop.
- Personal Capture – Personal Capture is a stand-alone application that can be downloaded and installed on your personal computer and is intended to be used outside of the lecture theatre. Personal Capture allows you to create a recording by capturing the audio and screen display (including webcams) on your personal computer in your own office or home.
2. How will the EchoVideo schedule be generated?
The EchoVideo schedule is driven by the ANU Central Timetable and is integrated with the timetabling system 'Syllabus Plus Enterprise'.
The EchoVideo Schedule will be available prior to the start of the semester, once the final version of the ANU Central Timetable has stabilised.
Note: While the FINAL version of the timetable should be fairly stable and changes kept to a minimum wherever possible, late changes may still occur due to unavoidable circumstances. Please double check your class details for any updates leading into the start of semester.
3. What teaching activities are automatically recorded?
All teaching activities centrally timetabled by the Timetabling Office will be automatically recorded if:
- The teaching activity is scheduled in an EchoVideo venue
- The teaching activity is associated with an ANU Course Code
- The teaching activity is not a 'Hidden' activity in the central timetable.
- The teaching activity is not scheduled for more than 4 consecutive hours
The teaching activity is associated with one of the following Activity types:
- Lecture
- Lectorial
- Seminar
The teaching activity is not scheduled on a public holiday.
Note: Prior to 2018, the teaching activities that were automatically recorded were: Class, Large Group Teaching, Lecture and Seminar
Where a staff member does not wish to have their teaching activities automatically recorded, the course convener can request to opt-out per activity type for a given semester/session with the approval of their college Associate Dean Education.
4. How do I opt out of automatic recording?
Where a staff member does not wish to have their teaching activities automatically recorded, the course convener can request to opt out per activity type for a given semester/session.
To request for an opt out, please log a Service Desk ticket with LSSG together with an approval from your College's Associate Dean (Education) (ADE).
Once it is approved, the staff member can contact Wattle Support via the IT Service Desk to update the recording schedule.
5. Can I request automatic recording for other activity types?
Yes. For all other Activity Types (as listed below) centrally timetabled, a course convener will still have the ability to record the teaching activity by either submitting an IT Service Desk ticket for Wattle Support to have the activity pre-scheduled for a given semester/session, alternatively they can record the teaching activity by initiating an 'ad hoc' recording:
- Computer Laboratory
- Drop-in Class
- Exam
- Fieldwork
- Film Screening
- Language Class
- Online Activity
- Practical
- Studio
- Tutorial
- Workshop
The above activity types can be pre-scheduled if:
- The teaching activity is centrally timetabled by the Timetabling Office
- The teaching activity is in an EchoVideo venue
- The teaching activity is associated with an ANU Course Code
- The teaching activity is not a 'Hidden' activity in the Central Timetable.
6. How can I access EchoVideo as a lecturer?
It is recommended you go through your Wattle course to access EchoVideo.
To add an EchovVideo link in your Wattle course, here are the steps:
- As a lecturer in the course, click Turn editing on
- Click Add an activity or resource in your preferred topic/week
- Select EchoVideo on the Activities
- Enter an Activity name > leave everything as default > Click Save and display
- You will see the “Connect your EchoVideo Content” page.
- In Step 1 Choose (or create) a section, select the (ALP) course that matches your course in Wattle.
- Select “Link to the Section Home” > click “Link Content”
- You will then see a list of classes showing the scheduled recordings.
Note: If you don’t see your course list in EchoVideo “Connect your EchoVideo” dropdown, please contact Wattle Support via IT Service Desk.
7. What is a class in EchoVideo?
A course includes a list of classes. Each class can contain one video and one presentation. In ANU, each scheduled capture is a class. For scheduled classes/captures, the video placeholder is (or will be) occupied by the recorded capture for the class.
However, you may have additional materials you want to provide for the course or a particular class. In this case you can manually need to create a new class to hold that content.
8. How do students access the recordings?
EchoVideo is integrated with the ANU learning management system Wattle. Recordings will be available to students through the EchoVideo which is accessed via the EchoVideo activity link in Wattle. If you have recordings in EchoVideo, it is advised to add the EchoVideo activity link to your Wattle course.
Note: For Summer and Semester 1 2018, the Echo360 Active Learning Platform activity link will be added to your Wattle course for you. In the future, you can add it yourself if you don’t see one or if you want to add more links in your Wattle course.
9. How can I verify the details of my EchoVideo schedule?
The schedule is preloaded into EchoVideo - please follow the steps below to check the schedule from Wattle:
- Go to your Wattle course site and add the EchoVideo activity if needed. Generally speaking, you only need one activity for students to access recordings.
- Launch the ‘EchoVideo’.
- Your next scheduled recording will be displayed at the top of the EchoVideo (use this to verify your upcoming recording prior to a lecture).
- If there are any problems with the schedule please log a job for Wattle support through IT Service Desk.
Prior to this, you can check whether your course will be recorded through the Timetabling website. The steps to check are:
- Go to
- Click on '2018 Class Timetable'
- Click on '2018 – Timetable’
- Click on 'Courses' in the left hand menu
- Select the required course code, teaching period, day and time period and then selecting 'View Timetable'.
If an activity type shows up in this view and is one of the activity types that is opted in by default (please refer to Question 4), then your activity will be pre-scheduled for recording.
10. What time will scheduled recordings commence and finish?
In accordance with the Timetable Policy clause 7, a pre-scheduled recording commences at 5 minutes past the published start time and concludes at 5 minutes before the published end time.
Recordings that commence prior or finish after this schedule are manually controlled.
Note: Classes that are scheduled for more than 4 hours will not be automatically recorded. Please use Ad Hoc recording instead. Please click here for further information.
11. Can I control recordings?
Yes. EchoVideo provides a control web interface to interact with the recording device. You can pause, extend or restart recordings for both scheduled and ad hoc recordings
To control a recording, please launch 'EchoVideo' icon via the desktop icon on the lectern desktop and log in using your UniID.
Both scheduled and ad hoc recordings can be extended. You can enter a specific number of minutes, which is capped at 30 minute increments. This means if you want to extend for 60 minutes, you will need to extend for 30 minutes twice. Please note you will not be able to extend beyond the start time of the next scheduled recording.
Although it provides this flexibility, scheduled recordings always take precedence. Extended recordings which overlap a scheduled recording, will automatically stop and the scheduled recording will commence.
12. How do I initiate an ad hoc recording?
The EchoVideo System facilitates the initiation of ad hoc recordings outside of the predefined recording schedule for your course. The EchoVideo control web interface provides the functionality to configure and initiate ad hoc recordings from within the lecture theatre for your course.
Although it provides this flexibility, scheduled recordings always take precedence. Ad hoc recordings which overlap a scheduled recording, will automatically stop and the scheduled recording will commence.
To initiate an ad hoc recording, please launch 'EchoVideo Lecture Recording' via the desktop icon on the lectern desktop and log in using your HORUS Credentials.
When initiating an ad hoc recording, you need to have the correct access and association with a Wattle course. If you do not have access please log an IT Service Desk request for Wattle support to verify your access and permissions. Alternatively, you can upload the recording to your Personal Library in EchoVideo and add it to the course later.
Please note: It is advised to use the ad hoc recording facility for last minute room changes or casual room booking which have been scheduled by the Venue Hire Office.
13. When will the recording become available after it is recorded?
The EchoVideo recording can take up to 24 hours to process, especially during busy times during the semester. Normally it will be available within the 24 hour time period, however this can sometimes vary.
If the recording is not visible on your Wattle course after 24 hours, please contact Wattle Support via the IT Service Desk for further investigation.
14. Can I edit recordings?
Yes, you will be able to edit recordings for courses where you are an instructor. The EchoVideo system provides a control web interface for editing recordings.
Note: If you are a lecturer and unable to edit an EchoVideo recording, please log an IT Service Desk request for Wattle support to verify your access and permissions.
15. Can I delete a recording?
Scheduled capture/recording cannot be deleted by lecturers. Any other deleted video cannot be retrieved so it is highly recommended you as lecturers avoid deleting any recording. You can make the video unavailable to students and make it visible to you only.
16. Can I control the publication of recordings?
Yes. All recordings are automatically uploaded to the Echo server, then processed in preparation for distribution. Once processing is complete the recording is automatically made available to students for streaming or download via the EchoVideo activity link in their Wattle site.
Your course can be configured to control the publication of your recording. By default, recordings are automatically made available, however if you would prefer for your course recordings to be 'unavailable' by default to allow you to edit the recording prior to publication, please request this by logging an IT Service Desk request for Wattle support.
17. Can I hide or unhide a recording?
To Hide a Recording:
- Go to EchoVideo activity link
- Find the recording that you would like to hide > click on the video icon
- On the drop-down, select “Make unavailable”
- A warning message will pop up > click OK
- The video icon will change from green to dark grey, indicating it is now hidden from students.
To Unhide a Recording:
- Go to EchoVideo activity link
- Find the hidden recording that you would like to reveal > click on the video icon
- On the drop-down, select “Make available”
- A warning message will pop up > click OK
- The video icon will change from dark grey to green, indicating it is available to students.
18. What if I need to make a new booking or change the schedule?
If you need to make a new booking (e.g. public holiday makeup lecture) or make a change to the current schedule (day, time, week pattern or venue you are scheduled into), please contact ANU Timetabling Office at:
Please Note: Late changes (any change or booking made in the Timetable System within two (2) hours of the lecture start time OR the change was made after business hours (after 5pm for a 9am lecture the next day) made to the Timetable are not guaranteed to be automatically pre-scheduled in EchoVideo in time. It is advised for late changes:
- To record the lecture, please launch an 'Ad Hoc' recording manually via the desk top icon from within the new Venue
- The recording in the old venue will still automatically commence. Once it has been processed, please log into Wattle and hide the recording by making it 'Unavailable'.
For all other changes or enquires please log an IT Service Desk request for Wattle support.
19. What happens on a public holiday?
EchoVideo will not be scheduled to record on public holidays. If there is an issue with the scheduling and this does occur, the blank recording can be made unavailable to students.
If you need to organise a makeup class, please contact ANU Timetabling Office at
20. What happens for full day teaching activities?
If you need to make a new booking (E.g. Public holiday makeup lecture) or make a change to the current schedule (day, time, week pattern or venue you are scheduled into), please contact ANU Timetabling Office at:
Please Note: Late changes (any change or booking made in the Timetable System within two (2) hours of the lecture start time OR the change was made after business hours (after 5pm) fora 9am lecture the next day)made to the Timetable are not guaranteed to be automatically pre-scheduled in EchoVideo in time. It is advised for late changes:
- To record the lecture, please launch an 'Ad Hoc' recording manually via the desk top icon from within the new Venue
- The recording in the old venue will still automatically commence. Once it has been processed, please log into Wattle and hide the recording by making it 'Unavailable'.
For all other changes or enquires please log an IT ServiceDesk request for Wattle support.
21. How do I log into EchoVideo?
It is highly recommended you access EchoVideo from your Wattle course.
If you come across the EchoVideo login page, select “LOG IN VIA INSTITUTION” on the login screen and select “The Australian National University” from the option. You can then login using your HORUS or ISIS Credentials. i.e. and your password to log into HORUS or ISIS.
If you are unable to log into the EchoVideo please contact the IT Service Desk.
22. Will Training be Provided?
Information session and hands-on training are available in January and February 2018. Please view the schedule for the upcoming training sessions.
User Guides and support materials are available at EchoVideo webpage.
23. Can I upload a file to EchoVideo from my OneDrive?
You cannot upload files from your ANU OneDrive account (this includes any “” accounts). However, if you have a personal (non-enterprise) OneDrive account (e.g. Yahoo or Gmail), you will able to upload a video, PowerPoint or PDF to EchoVideo.
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