Higher Degree Research Candidate Induction to ANU

Welcome to ANU!

All new HDR candidates are invited to attend the HDR new candidate induction. This is a jam-packed week of face-to-face events and workshops designed to get your HDR candidature off to a great start. 

Our 2024 dates are: 

  • Tuesday 02 April - Friday 05 April 

  • Monday 02 September - Thursday 05 September (Please register here)

The first two days provide an official Welcome to the ANU with a traditional Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony and addresses from both the Vice-Chancellor and the Dean of Higher Degree Research.

In the mornings, the Researcher Development team will get you started on the right foot with information sessions and workshops. There will also be a mix of sessions by service providers from across the whole university, so you can see the full suite of support on offer. Your academic school and/or college will offer information sessions and other enrichment activities in one or more of the afternoons. These will be a good chance to get to know other HDR candidates in your local area. 

There is also an optional (free) scholars’ dinner at the University House in ANU. Please registerhere.

An "excursion" will be organised on the last day of the ANU HDR Induction. It is free of cost and lunch will be provided. Please register here.

It is expected that all HDR candidates make an effort to attend Induction Week- even if you have been a student at ANU before. 

If you have any queries, please contact Researcher Development via email researcherdevelopment@anu.edu.au.
