Research Integrity Advisors
Research Integrity Advisors are experienced researchers who play a key role in promoting research integrity at the ANU. They promote the responsible conduct of research within a wide range of disciplines and provide advice to those with concerns about potential breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018.
Please note that Research Integrity Advisors do not investigate research integrity complaints or allegations. Complaints or allegations of research misconduct are managed by the Research Integrity office.
The role of Research Integrity Advisors and how they can assist you
You can approach any RIA from any College, who will:
- Assist in understanding institutional and researcher responsibilities under the The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018, and the ANU policies and procedures that support them, including:
- Policy: Code of conduct
- Policy: Conflict of Interest and Commitment
- Policy: External Project funding & agreements
- Policy: Intellectual Property
- Policy: Responsible conduct of research
- Policy: Privacy
- Procedure: Authorship
- Procedure: Authorship Disputes
- Procedure: Disclosure of Interest
- Procedure: IP Protection and Commercialisation:
- Procedure: Peer Review;
- Procedure: Research Data Management;
- Procedure: Research misconduct and serious research misconduct
- Procedure: Student Intellectual Property.
- Be available, accommodating, approachable and non-judgemental.
- Provide confidential and impartial advice to ANU students and staff members on matters of research integrity and the responsible conduct of research.
- Guide staff and students to appropriate support units within the University for non-research integrity matters.
- Immediately declare any conflict of interest that arise and refer the advisee to a different RIA.
- Remain uninvolved in the assessment or investigation of research misconduct cases.
- Remain uninvolved in authorship dispute matters.
- Will not make contact with the person who is the subject of the allegation or complaint.
Research Integrity Advisors
Current ANU Research Integrity Advisors are listed below. It is acceptable to contact an advisor outside your College for advice. It is your choice.
Dr Rochelle Bailey
College of Asia & the Pacific
Expertise Areas:
- Anthropology of Development
- Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Migration
- Government and politics of Asia and the Pacific
Research interests: Labour mobility; development; migration; Melanesian anthropology and politics; economic anthropology; circulation of economic and social remittances; Pacific governance and politics.
Biography: Rochelle Bailey joined the Department of Pacific Affairs as a Research Fellow to work on labour migration issues. She has conducted eight years of ethnographic research on Pacific labour mobility while researching New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme (RSE). Rochelle has worked on politics, intergovernmental relationships, regionalism, economics, social change, and migration issues in the Pacific since 2004.
Since joining the department, Rochelle has continued her research with her New Zealand and ni-Vanuatu participants alongside participants involved in Australia’s Seasonal Worker Program and has published three In Briefs highlighting her research. These examine development outcomes from participation in labour mobility schemes for employers, Pacific seasonal workers and communities in host and sending regions.
Ph: +61 2 6125 6322
Professor Phil Batterham
College of Health & Medicine
Expertise Areas:
- Mental Health
- Biostatistics
- Psychologucal methodology, design and analysis
- Epidemiology
Research Interests:
- Assessment and epidemiology of mental illness
- Suicide prevention
- Research methods
- Psychiatric rating scales
- E-mental health
- Implementation science
- Rural mental health
Biography: Phil Batterham is a Professor at the Centre for Mental Health Research, in the Research School of Population Health. He was awarded an Early Career Fellowship in 2011, a Career Development Fellowship-1 in 2014 and a Career Development Fellowship-2 in 2018 from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). He is a Chief Investigator for the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Suicide Prevention and for seven NHMRC project grants. His research interests include implementing digital tools to prevent mental disorders, reducing risk of suicide, assessing mental health in the population, and reducing the stigma of mental illness.
Ph: +61 2 6125 1031
Associate Professor Gerry Corrigan
College of Health & Medicine
Expertise Areas:
- Specialist Studies in Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy
- Other Education
Ph: 0409 202 394
Emeritus Professor Elmars Krausz
College of Science
Expertise Areas:
- Surfaces And Structural Properties Of Condensed Matter
- Chemical Thermodynamics And Energetics
- Radiation And Matter
- Catalysis And Mechanisms Of Reactions
- Biological Physics
- Electronic And Magnetic Properties Of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity
- Quantum Chemistry
- Transition Metal Chemistry
- Solid State Chemistry
- Structural Chemistry And Spectroscopy
- Enzymes
- Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)
Research Interests: Our existence on earth is entirely dependent on photosynthesis, the process which nature uses to convert incident solar radiation into molecular energy. The energy stored as ‘solid sunlight' is regained when photosynthetically created biomass reacts with atmospheric oxygen to form CO2. The combustion powers a myriad of processes, from the biochemical processes that keep us alive, to generating the vast amounts of heat, mechanical and electrical energy that has allowed modern societies to flourish.
The price of our success has been a rapidly increasing human population and a dramatically increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2, leading to global warming. We are studying fundamental processes in both natural and artificial photosynthesis with the goal of utilizing solar energy as a source of storable energy to replace coal and oil.
Biography: Elmars Krausz graduated and received his PhD from the University of Sydney. He has since held positions at the Australian National University (1971-1973, 1978), Oxford University (1974-1975), the University of Virginia (1976-1977), the University of Sydney (1979-1980) before being appointed as Research Fellow at the Research School of Chemistry. He was awarded fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and was appointed Professor at the Research School of Chemistry in 2002.
Ph: +61 2 6125 3577
Associate Professor Cagri Kumru
College of Business & Economics
Expertise Areas:
- Macroeconomic theory
- Public economics
- Public finance
- Computations economics
- Behavioural economics
Biography: Cagri Kumru is an Associate Professor of Economics, an Associate Investigator at the Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research and a Research Associate at the ANU Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis. His research spans macroeconomics, public economics and behavioral economics.
Cagri is mainly interested in the macroeconomic implications of various tax and social insurance programs. He also works with large scale computational models, often enriching them with insights taken from the behavioral economics literature. Some of Cagri’s work has been funded by the Australian Research Council and the US Social Security Administration Michigan Retirement Centre. Cagri’s research appears in top-ranked economics journals including Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, European Economic Review, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Economic Inquiry and Macroeconomic Dynamics.
Ph: +61 2 6125 6126
Associate Professor James Sullivan
College of Science
Expertise Areas:
- Atomic and molecular Physics
- Condensed matter characterisation technique development
- Surfaces And Structural Properties of Condensed Matter
Ph: +61 2 6125 0040
Professor Kerry Taylor
College of Engineering, Computing & Cybernetics
Expertise Areas:
- Web technologies (excl. web search)
- Pattern recognition and data mining
- Conceptual modelling
- Decision Support and Group Support Systems
- Database Management
- Interorganisational Information Systems and Web Services
- Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Research Interests: My research interests broadly cover ontologies, semantic web and linked data, machine learning and data mining, sensor networks and IoT, and spatial data systems, and especially problems at the intersection of all those topics.
Biography: Kerry joined the Australian National University in January 2016. She spent the previous six months working on a UN 'big data' project with Australian Bureau of Statistics, after 20 years at CSIRO as a principal research scientist in the polyonymous IT research division. She has also worked as an IT practitioner in consulting, publishing, education and government, in Sydney, Montreal and Oxford.
Her research has focused on data management, integration, mining and machine learning in interdisciplinary contexts, especially employing logic-based and semantic approaches. Much of her recent work addresses data issues in IoT.
She has lectured in logic programming, networking, software engineering and agile project management. Currently she lectures in data mining and convenes the ANU's postgraduate programs in applied data analytics. From 2015-2017 she co-Chaired the joint Spatial Data on the Web working group of the W3C and the OGC.
Kerry holds a BSc (Hons 1) in Computer Science from UNSW 1983 and a PhD in Computer Science and Technology from the ANU in 1996. She is a Visiting Reader at the University of Surrey UK, and has been a Visiting Fellow at University of Melbourne.
She serves on the Editorial boards of Knowledge-Based Systems and International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks and many conference programme committees including ISWC, ESWC, and WWW.
Ph: +61 2 6125 8560
Associate Professor Pierre van der Eng
College of Business & Economics
Expertise Areas:
- Business and Labour History
- Economic Development and Growth
- International Business
- Economic History
- Applied Economics
Research Interests: Business history; International business & strategy; Economic history; Development economics
Biography: Pierre van der Eng is Associate Professor and Reader in International Business and Business History. In 2021 The Australian Research Magazine nominated him Australia's research field leader in economic history. His areas of research specialisation include economic and business development in Indonesia, economic and business history of Australia, European economic integration and EU-Australia business relations. Pierre’s research has been funded by the Australian Research Council’s Discovery and Linkage Project schemes and by organisations including the Shibusawa Foundation (Tokyo). He has written widely in his areas of specialty, with his works published in the top journals in his field. Pierre has conducted consultancies for the Australian Agency for International Development, AusAID.
Ph: +61 2 6125 5438
Dr Isabel Wang
College of Business & Economics
Expertise Areas:
- Auditing
- Management accounting
- Judgement and decision making in accounting
Biography: Isabel Wang is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting. Her research areas include auditing, management accounting and judgment and decision making in accounting. Isabel is particularly interested in how accountants and auditors make judgments and decisions in relation to fraud risk assessments, how they respond to management pressure, and their role in occupational fraud. She is also interested in companies’ use, and review, of management controls. Isabel’s work appears in leading academic journals including The European Accounting Review and Accounting and Finance.
Ph: +61 2 6125 5758
Professor Mark Wilson
College of Business & Economics
Expertise Areas:
- Financial Accounting
- Economic History
- Sustainability Accounting And Reporting
- Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Engagement
- Accounting Theory and Standards
- Financial Economics
Research interests: Accounting and Capital Markets; Accounting and Financial Analysts; Earnings Management; Business History; Economics of Contracting; Financial History of the Brewing Industry; Economics of Franchising.
Biography: Mark Wilson is a Professor of Accounting and the Deputy Director (Research) of the Research School of Accounting. His research interests include accounting, economic and business history, earnings quality, the response of markets and securities analysts to financial reporting information and transaction cost economics. Some of this work has been funded through the Australian Research Council’s Discovery and Linkage Programs, as well as by prominent accounting associations including the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand and CPA Australia.
Mark’s research has been published in leading journals including Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, the European Accounting Review, the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Accounting and Business Research, Accounting and Finance, the Journal of Business Ethics, the Journal of Management Information Systems and Abacus. He also contributes to the field through editorial roles, and is Editor (Financial Accounting) of Accounting and Finance, and Associate Editor (Audit and Financial Accounting) of the Australian Journal of Management. Mark has written reports for, and provided analysis and advice to, leading public sector and professional bodies including the Australian Customs Service and CPA Australia, and is a member of the Academic Advisory Panel of the Australian Accounting Standards Board.
Ph: +61 2 6125 3659
Related guidance
- Animal Ethics Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
- Animal Ethics: Resources, Training & Support
- Disclosure of Interest Framework
- Fraud prevention and control
- HDR Supervision Portal
- Human Research Ethics Team - About Us
- Management of external research funding
- Management of external research funding
- Managing Your Approved Human Research Ethics Protocol
- Research Integrity
- Research Integrity complaint process
- Training and Resources
- Research Integrity
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