Animal Ethics Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
Policies & Guidelines Governing Animal Research
Mandatory Legislation
- Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (8th edition, 2013)
- ACT Animal Welfare Act 1992
ANU Policy
- Policy: Responsible Conduct of Research
- Procedure: Safety in animal houses
Australian Guidelines
- Best practice methodology in the use of animals for scientific purposes (NHMRC, 2017)
- A guide to the care and use of Australian native mammals in research and teaching (NHMRC, 2014)
- Guidelines to promote the wellbeing of animals used for scientific purposes: The assessment and alleviation of pain and distress in research animals (NHMRC, 2008)
International Guidelines
- Grimace Scale Posters: a tool for assessing pain in rats, mice and rabbits (UK National Centre for 3Rs)
- Humane Endpoints in laboratory animal experimentation (3Rs-Centre Utrecht Life Sciences)
- Guidelines on choosing an appropriate endpoint in experiments using animals for research, teaching and testing (Canadian Council on Animal Care)
- International guiding principles for biomedical research involving animals (Council for International Organization of Medical Sciences and The International Council for Laboratory Animal Science, 2012)
Agreements with Other Institutions
In accordance with the Code, the University has research agreements in place with external institutions such as UNSW, ACT Health and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute to facilitate collaboration. If you are listed as a co-investigator on an external ethics protocol, or plan to use external facilities in your own research project, these agreements may cover you. For further information, please contact the Animal Ethics Team on
AEC-Approved Guidelines
- 002_Guidelines for Animal Transport V2.0 (PDF, 168.72 KB)
- 004_Guideline for Injection Techniques in Mice V2.0 (PDF, 987.52 KB)
- 005_Guidelines for the use of volunteers in animal based research V1.0 (PDF, 769.29 KB)
- 016_Guideline for Field Euthanasia of Wildlife V1.0 (PDF, 730.87 KB)
- 017_Guideline for Acclimatisation of Rodents V2.0 (PDF, 696.19 KB)
- 021_Guideline_Wildlife Trapping_V1.0 (DOCX, 530.2 KB)
- 032_Wildlife Marking Guidelines V1.3 (DOCX, 1.56 MB)
- 016_Guideline_Field Euthanasia of Wildlife Guideline_V1.4 (PDF, 126.75 KB)
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AEC Standards
- 034_Standards_Animal Analgesia Anaesthesia and Surgery V1.0 (PDF, 143.75 KB)
- 011_Use of Non-Pharmaceutical Grade Compounds for Anaesthetising & Euthanasing Animals V2.0 (PDF, 102.54 KB)
- 015_ANU Animal Training and Competency Framework V2.1 (PDF, 123 KB)
- 018_Mouse Breeding Standards (PDF, 1.11 MB)
- 019_Laboratory Rodent Husbandry and Care Standards (PDF, 1.38 MB)
- 022_Guidelines for Euthanasia of Laboratory Rodents_V1.0 (DOCX, 53.71 KB)
- 023_Tumour Models v1.4 (PDF, 1.07 MB)
- 024_Blood Collection from Mice Standards (PDF, 829.27 KB)
- 031_New Equipment Standard_V1.0 (DOCX, 56.71 KB)
- 035_Standards_Animal Usage Accounting Procedure V2.0 (PDF, 138.97 KB)
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AEC Templates
- 008_Animal Anaesthesia and Surgery Monitoring Template – Mammals (MULTIPLE) V2.0 (PDF, 266.28 KB)
- 013_Animal Anaesthesia and Surgery Monitoring Template – Mammals (SINGLE) V1.0 (DOCX, 19.44 KB)
- 025_Volunteers for Field Work Checklist V1.0 (PDF, 547.93 KB)
- 030_Template_Oral Gavage Standard Score Sheet V2.0 (DOCX, 381.39 KB)
- 015a_Template_Training and Assessment Plan V1.1 (DOCX, 2.74 MB)
- 015b_Template_Animal Training Competency Assessment Form V1.0 (DOCX, 2.74 MB)
- AEC Approved Document_009_Template_Mouse Score System (DOCX, 338.2 KB)
- AEC Approved Document_009a_Template_Aged Mouse Score System (DOCX, 467.34 KB)
- AEC Approved Document_009b_Template_Mouse body condition scoring (DOCX, 270.23 KB)
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AEC Procedures
- 001_Procedure for Managing and Reporting Unexpected Adverse Events (PDF, 114.59 KB)
- 036_Post Approval Monitoring (PDF, 116.93 KB)
- 036a_Post Approval Monitoring (PAM) Checklist (DOCX, 2.74 MB)
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ANU Position Papers
- Information Paper - Use of Non-Pharmaceutical Grade Compounds (Non-PGCs) and Discovery Compounds in Research Animals (PDF, 670.88 KB)
- AEC Document 010_ANU Position Paper - Use of Non-Pharmaceutical Grade Discovery Compounds in Animals V2.0 (PDF, 695.45 KB)
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Veterinary Services and Training
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Page Owner: Research Services