ePortfolio Upgrade

21 Apr 2020

We recently upgraded ePortfolio at ANU. ePortfolio was released last July and is a personal online portfolio tool/platform integrated with Wattle to enhance teaching and learning. It encourages people to collect, curate and selectively present materials and can be used to support research, academic, professional and personal development through a wide range activities such as journaling, blogging, collaborative teamwork and developing a CV or personal website.

Some new features from the upgrade include:

  • Improved navigation
  • Better print and share functions
  • More dashboard functions
  • Detailed CV options

To learn more about ePortfolio, please visit: https://services.anu.edu.au/information-technology/software-systems/eportfolio

For training options, visit: https://services.anu.edu.au/training/training-on-education-technology-from-clt