Figtree frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Figtree?Figtree is the University’s workplace safety incident and hazard reporting tool. ANU launched the online system on 1 July 2017.
How do I access Figtree?

Users can access Figtree:

How can students report an incident or hazard?

ANU students can directly report incidents and or hazards through the Figtree online system. Further information is available on the Figtree information pack for students.

If you are not a staff member or student and wish to report an incident please complete and submit the ANU Incident Notification Form via email to or post to:

Safety and Wellbeing Team

Chancelry Building, 10A East Road


What is an incident?An incident is an event that exposes a worker or any other person to a risk to their health and safety.
What is a hazard?A hazard is a situation that may currently exist or could arise out of a set of circumstances. There is a potential risk that the hazard may lead to a dangerous situation.
What is a near miss?A near miss is an incident where no one was injured.
Is there a Figtree app available for mobile phone devices?Currently available is a mobile device user friendly version of the website version.
Who will see the information that I enter into Figtree?Your supervisor and Work Health and Safety (WHS) Consultants/Officers will have access to the information entered in the reporting tool. If other people are allocated an action, such as an incident investigation, then they will have access to view the incident record but not your injury details. Injury details can only be viewed by you, your supervisor and Safety and Wellbeing Staff.
What will happen when I select the confidential checkbox on the form?Selecting the ‘confidential’ checkbox prevents your email notification from being sent to your ‘Supervisor’; the submitted incident will be reviewed by the Manager Injury and Wellbeing, and then actioned appropriately.
Does the new reporting tool integrate with Maximo?The new reporting tool does not integrate with Maximo. 
Who will see the information that I enter into Figtree?Your supervisor and Work Health and Safety (WHS) Consultants/Officers will have access to the information entered in the reporting tool. If other people are allocated an action, such as an incident investigation, then they will have access to view the incident record but not your injury details. Injury details can only be viewed by you, your supervisor and Safety and Wellbeing staff.
Can I access Figtree from home?Yes, users can access the system from home by navigating to the Figtree login page.


Page Owner: Human Resources