Obtaining an SSL Certificate

SSL certificates are used to provide an encrypted connection between web sites and browsers, and to verify the identity of sites.

ITS can provide SSL certificates for hosts within ANU-registered domains at no cost. These certificates are signed by QuoVadis and are recognised by all modern browsers.

To obtain an SSL certificate register a request with the Service Desk, including:

  • A generated Certificate Signing Request
  • Size must be 2048-bit or 4096-bit
  • Certificate Subject lines should be similar to C=AU, ST=ACT, L=Canberra, O=The Australian National University, OU=ITS, CN=NameofServer.anu.edu.au
  • Please include the type of software and version number used to generate the CSR
  • Please specify the period of time the certificate is required to be valid for (1or 2 years)

Additional certificate types

Extended validation certificates

Extended Validation (EV) Certificates indicate that additional checks have been performed to verify that the organisation named in the certificate owns the domain, and can provide higher levels of assurance to site users.

Wildcard and multi-domain certificates

Wildcard certificates can be used to secure any number of hosts under a sub-domain without needing to specify each one individually.

Multi-Domain certificates can be used to secure sites that operate under different names, potentially across multiple domains.

Please contact IT Security if you wish to discuss EV, wildcard or multi-domain certificates.

Related links
