Equity and Diversity

The University values equity and diversity and is committed to providing an inclusive environment that is inspiring and engaging. A range of opportunities are offered to raise awareness of such principles, promote best practice and build capability to implement respectful and inclusive practices in the workplace.

LGBTIQ+ Ally Training

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This workshop is offered as part of the University's commitment to providing a diverse and inclusive campus where all people can safely work and study free of harassment or discrimination.

Ally Training provides participants with an overall understanding of why LGBTIQ+ inclusion is important to an organisation and explores challenges often faced by people who identify as LGBTIQ+ and the impact that harassment and discrimination can have in the workplace.

Participants who complete the training will be able to join the ANU Ally Network.

Indigenous Cultural Awareness

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Engagement with Indigenous Australia is a key strategic priority under the ANU Strategic Plan 2017‑2021. Cultural awareness training will provide staff with introductory awareness to build broader and deeper relationships and collaborations with Indigenous Australians.

This half-day interactive workshop will provide staff at all levels with an introduction to Indigenous history and culture in Australia, and an opportunity to share and learn stories from personal and work experiences.

Core Cultural Learning

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This interactive course is designed to enhance cultural capability across ANU and build greater awareness of the vast history and cultural heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Core Cultural Learning contains 10 modules of approximately 1 hour each available on Pulse. Each module contains a variety of videos and quality resources that provide a foundation for understanding of traditional knowledges, cultural expression and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

Unlocking Unconscious Bias

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Unconscious bias exists outside our awareness. Despite our best efforts to be fair and transparent, it can unconsciously influence our decision-making.  It is important that everyone is able to identify potential unconscious biases and how they impact our behaviour and interactions with others.

This half-day interactive workshop will help all staff to look beyond unconscious bias, develop skills and strategies to interrupt and minimise the impact of unconscious bias and tap into and achieve the most from the diverse talents of one’s team.

For an introduction to Unconscious Bias you can watch this short LinkedIn Learning Course.


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