Panel interviews

Interviews have a major role to play in determining the outcome of the selection process. They may be conducted face to face, over the telephone or via a video link up using Skype or video-conferencing facilities.

The aim of the interview is to be a positive exchange of information between the members of the selection committee and the applicants with the objective of determining the best person for appointment to the position.

The interview is an important component of information gathering to assess the merit of all of the short listed applicants and gives members of the selection committee an opportunity to:

  • meet and get to know the applicants, gain an improved understanding of their qualifications and background and how effectively they would integrate into the working environment
  • obtain a range of critical information from applicants that cannot be gained from any other source
  • provide input into the assessment of an applicant's ability to meet the selection criteria and perform the duties of the position
  • provide applicants with information about the University and the work area
  • ensure that applicants understand the tasks and responsibilities of the position.

Remember that no matter how hard you try to make an interviewee comfortable, the interview is an artificial and formal environment that may not best show candidates as they behave in the work environment.

Complementing the interview with other selection techniques such as skills tests, work sample tests, presentations, seminars and referee reports will also increase the likelihood of identifying the best person for the position.

You can find more information on interviewing in the interviewing section of this toolkit and you can also use the sample behavioural interview questions to help you develop your questions.

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