Getting started

Some things to consider prior to commencing the recruitment process:

  1. consult with your local HR team
  2. familiarise yourself with the process of getting necessary approvals, with assistance from your local HR Team.
  3. use the Recruitment toolkit to develop a recruitment schedule, taking relevant deadlines and tasks into account.
  4. set some times aside for the following tasks:
    • completing the position description, selection criteria, advertisement and approval paperwork
    • creating a recruitment file
    • identifying and determining the availability of your selection panel
    • short listing, interviewing and evaluating candidates
    • preparing the interview and candidate paperwork for the shortlist meeting and interviews
    • organising interviews
    • planning the induction process.

Inform all staff that will be assisting you with the recruitment of the expected timelines and any tasks assigned to them so they can plan ahead.

Page Owner: Human Resources